27 Comments on “Theresa May questioned on her gay rights views, Question Time, 20 May 2010”

  1. Whoa! Well done Theresa for ‘changing your mind’. Well, I would mean that
    sincerely, if politicians had their own minds to begin with…

  2. Personally I have no objection to a man turning his penis into a virgina on
    the NHS,
    but what I do object to is the shrink therapy, and costs of operations, it
    costs the tax payer up to 200,000 a time, why don’t they pay for
    themselves, Flint should pay
    for the operations she can afford it.

  3. @joshual95 im sorry but what makes you think a homosexual lifestyle is
    perverse? it does not matter what sexuality you are, all that matters is
    that you love your child or children and teach them to be kind to
    others…even if they themselves are not kind to them…..ring a bell???
    also what you have just said is not very christian of you…but i forgive

  4. I understood him perfectly. Dude, you’re seriously embarrassing yourself
    now, I highly recommend you just stop commenting with your crazy religion.
    You’re a poster-boy for Atheism.

  5. its not hate, its common sense, i dont think a gay couple has the “right”
    to adopt a child. so what? may people agree with me. a consequence of being
    gay is not being able to have children, u cant have it both ways my friend

  6. So I’m gay because I don’t believe that gay people should be made to be
    second class citizens? I really hope you die. Soon. For the good of
    everybody else.

  7. Are you retarded? I was paraphrasing you from earlier to show how you can
    flip meaningless insults round- and your retort is to throw a load more
    meaningless insults and ignore the main point. Also please explain how
    saying a natural morality is wrong makes you a marxist liberal.

  8. Well, all studies shouldn’t be accepted just because you read it somewhere.
    Especially about such studies since they can’t actually gain access to
    “normal” people as exposing their children to such studies is unethical.
    The article is just a deduction based on past evidence that is questionable.

  9. The question asked by the member of the audience is a loaded question that
    portrays supporting homosexual marriage is a move forward. This could not
    be any further from the truth.

  10. That doesn’t happen. Kids brought up by gay parents almost always turn out
    to be straight. And gays make up such a small amount of the population that
    there is no prospect of us running out of people.

  11. yes, conclusive! The answer to your question doesnt require any actual
    thought, just ask: “does parenting have an effect on a childs development”
    – the answer is of course yes. Then ask:do children raised by single
    mothers/fathers exhibit behavioral problems/disorders(google this), the
    answer is yes. Its not much of a leap to realize that 2 same sex parents
    would have an effect on a childs development,its not homophobic to think
    this its common sense. The stats prove this assumption.

  12. it’s not “free” someone has to pay for it, so what happens when you have
    all these socialist programs and theres nobody working, so you can’t tax
    anyone?, well we have it now, it’s called an economic crisis. we’ve tried
    to create a utopia that can’t work, as for free speech, this girl didn’t
    seem to think too much of theresa mays free speech because according to her
    she has change it to fit into this new modern world. “vote rights for all
    including catholics” awww thanks how kind liberals.

  13. Also! Please don’t mess your kids up by preaching your dark-age gospel to
    them! It’d be an awful shame for anyone else to end up as misguided and
    backwards as you! xoxo

  14. It IS homophobic to presume that same sex couples could provide a less
    stable and loving environment than a single parent.

  15. heres the problem, the girl who asks the question has the opinion that gay
    marriage, adoption and the rest of it is the moving forward, who says shes
    right?, why do the progressive act like that, that what they say is right
    and the holding of another opinion isn’t allowed. it’s soft tyranny.

  16. Pretty sure you’re that one that needs exterminated buddy. The sooner the
    better, redneck piece of trash. P.S I’m* No “natural” human would make that
    mistake, only a clear retard.

  17. Well you can’t deny that some people want to. I don’t either, but who on
    earth are we to say what people prefer in private?

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