46 Comments on “U.S. Conservatives Praise Ugandan Anti-Gay Law”

  1. And with this move, Conservatives confirm that they all ACCEPT to EAT DA
    POO POO.

  2. “Let freedom ring” Obviously a yahoo whose extent of knowledge of America
    and freedom is a flag, a pledge, and national anthem lyrics.

  3. I wonder how black conservatives feel about their support for black on
    black violence. That nerve. I know, it hurts.

  4. When I am confronted by Christians asking why I am so aggressive about
    stamping out Christianity, this is exactly why and this is only one thing
    the Christian agenda pushes for that is completely out of line. Christians
    worship suffering, cause suffering and are so fucking stupid that they
    can’t figure out that they are everything humanity should be fighting

  5. So much for thou shall not kill, love thy neighbor as thyself and the
    saying god loves all his children…

  6. It’s time for another Holocaust. We’ll gas homos this time. Good riddance.

  7. Some sort of human rights organization should look in to these guys, might
    be hard for them to justify having charitable status while funding
    oppressive laws.

  8. Uganda’s anti-gay law is a fundies *wet dream* come true.
    Gotta love those CONServative so called *christians* ….so full of love.

  9. TS actually you need to now Africa to talk about it only less than 1% of
    Africa are gay now because of that 1% you want Africa to legalize gay,I am
    modern but I love my culture man,let’s talk AFRICOM they have started war
    in Africa that’s is more important 

  10. It’s funny how liberals are so outraged by a Christian nation such as
    Uganda practicing Christianity and upholding Judeo-Christian principals and
    yet they remain silent about Islamic nations that also have the death
    penalty for homosexual crimes such as Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Iran.
    Liberals are anti-Christian, anti-white, pro-Muslim and pro-Sharia. 

  11. It wasn’t so long ago our own counties would put ppl in jail for
    homosexuality. It’s sad to see some countries going on the wrong direction,
    with Uganda being an extreme example

  12. I am not anti-gay. However, I think the U.S. should stay out of the affairs
    of other countries especially when it comes to their culture. If Uganda
    wants to criminalize homosexuality, then so be it. That is up to the
    Ugandan people to fight for their own rights just as it is up to the
    American people to fight for their rights. My issue with this is that
    Westerners including Obama is taking a stance to make it look like they
    want to force Western culture (open homosexuality and blaspheme against
    God) onto these people and their way of life. That is Uganda and they shun
    such things like homosexuality, bestiality, and so forth. They have shunned
    such stuff since the beginning of time. Where is the outcry on Germany
    having bestiality legal in their country? Where is the outcry where women
    have their genitals mutilated by men in war throughout other nations in
    Africa? Do not push homosexuality onto the Ugandan people or any other
    African people. They are very spiritual people and if they believe that is
    an abomination against God, then let them follow their holy bible. I don’t
    agree with the part where they could be put to death for it which I guess
    is good they removed it from the law. Do not force Western culture on to
    the Ugandan people as they are a spiritual people. They are the most
    conservative people in the world. They would like to > conserve < their country that is not filled with obscenity towards God. That is how I look at it. They don't need people preaching to them in how they HAVE TO accept homosexuality or any other things they feel can hurt their country and yes, it can hurt their country. It could change their society dramatically. 

  13. I wish the religious knew what real oppression and persecution felt like.
    They cry “It’s the holocaust all over again!” whenever another state in the
    US legalizes same sex marriage, disregarding the history of the pink
    triangle and the fact it’s actually closer to the Holocaust with gay
    marriage not being legalized due to the rounding up and killing of gay
    people during Nazi Germany, with the Jews picking on the gays as well in
    the camps.

    Christians don’t know persecution and oppression. I wish they did. They’d
    cut their bullshit if they knew what oppression and persecution were really
    like and finally be on the receiving end of their bullshit for a change.

  14. There are BIGGER ISSUES in Africa, and here we are talking about 1 percent
    of the damn African population. Historically Africa has never giving legal
    backing to homosexuality. Its simply not part of our culture. however when
    you look at European history, if you are familiar with pedastry and
    gymnasia, which are all forms of an institutionalized homosexuality, you
    will see that a leopard never changes its proverbial spots. Africa is for
    African people, we are the only ones who have final say!

  15. Kyle, you left something out. Martin Ssempa said “Let freedom ring…from
    homosexuals.” Anyway, he’s just delaying the inevitable & asking for
    trouble. Just watch.

  16. Allow I don’t follow any Religion, in my own research into them I found the
    best guideline for life and it comes from the Wicca, which is “Do what you
    will…Harm none”…Now that’s freedom and something to live by…all
    superstition aside

  17. We can’t stop fighting those stupid religious people who think their god is
    loving but wants to kill gay people.

  18. Gays are sick people…President Yoweri Museveni….we need more decent
    people like that!

  19. So…. they are going to put guys and girls together with each other for
    liking their same sex?? It’s a stupid law, especially when they put them in
    a situation with more women and men to choose! :D

  20. Something is very wrong with Uganda. There are so many problems in Uganda
    waiting to be taken care of but not this bill. Uganda is drowning in
    poverty and yet they want to throw gay people in jail for life. I will
    never wish such evil on any gay person. If God can speak for this people,
    we all can find out the truth and don’t put them on the cross. I am so
    tired of the ignorance Uganda is trying to show the whole world. I am
    hoping the president will do a through study on this behavior and stop the
    bill. God protect the gay people.

  21. I agree Martin Ssempa is definitely a genuinely stupid human being.
    Although I do think that his “eat da poo poo” video and the video of him
    arguing with a African lesbian on TV are funny.

  22. The right uses the word “freedom” like north Korea use the word

  23. If you can believe in the rights of homosexuality then you should also give
    right to those American and EU women that allow a horse and pony and dog to
    hump them also men that push their cock inside a horse goat dogs pony and
    even cows. If you don’t believe that then you check your internet for
    bestiality, Check carefully who do you see there!!! You never see one black
    African or eastern men and women doing this. Western white people are the
    ones that does this. How could Gay ever be natural, a man pushing his cock
    in the shit hole of another man????

  24. Kyle I usually agree with you and I’m still going to listen to you. But on
    this issue, I’m not sure if you understand that Western politics dont give
    2fux about the welfare of the black population in general as a nation, as
    opposed to that one percent that were allegedly born gay… any person of
    African decent would find this to be a half assed attempt to help bring
    democracy to Africans. I want to know where was this same level of passion
    for African human rights a couple of decades ago?

  25. You are one of the most silliest youtube host. The word freedom mean one
    would not have to become victim of America and Europe. Many Europeans and
    Americans have gone to Uganda and look for men and women that are poor and
    victimize them by offering them money. I Went there and I know of that
    there because it was told to me. Some of them even offer them money to have
    sex with their dog. Western world has lost the fear for God and the respect
    for moral dignity especially America. 

  26. How can we save these people from being jailed for life? I am so saddened
    by the news. I don’t even no where these people are going to hide. I am
    so sorry.

  27. Conservatives: totally worthless. What are they good for? What are they
    trying to “conserve”? God is so perfect….yet he makes gay people….then
    has stupid people…with below average IQ’s….making laws against said gay
    people….for what purpose?

    Conservatism and religion are the most damaging things this species has
    ever conceived.

  28. Its better for these poor countries to save the family values of their
    countries than scare of not getting help from the international community
    .Because they never help you anyway.They always take more than the give

  29. Wow! I did not know humans could reach this level of ignorances and
    stupidity. If I could do what that guy from the movie Avatar did. To tray
    me being human for an alien peacuful race. Fuck yeah I would abandon our
    shitty human life…for a better more reasonable one.

  30. The fundamentalist version is: “Sinners are slaves of sin” and following
    Fundamentalist Christians are “Set Free from sin.”

  31. Well look at this. An oppressive Christian theocracy supported by the far
    right in AMERICA. Yet some are worrying about sharia, lol.

  32. This is what freedom means to people that are so batshit in their literal
    interpretation of the Bible that gay people are not only possessed by
    demons but are actively attempting to prey on children and adults alike.
    Under that psychotic narrative, making homosexuality illegal is

  33. I guess they’re more bigoted against gays than anyone who isn’t white? It’s
    like there’s a gradient of hatred they check when making political
    decisions. “Well, we don’t like these people, but HMMMMM, you know, we
    could use them to hate these other people we don’t like even more!”

  34. This almost makes me question the first amendment. Some of these assholes
    need to be beaten to death with crosses.

  35. 60 years ago it was mixed marriages. Hopefully we can evolve quickly allow
    gay marriage in all 50 states by 2020

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