7 Comments on “UK fights back against illegal immigration: public campaign has been branded racist by opponents”

  1. Stop immigration regardless. Your ancestors would be ashamed. Where is Owen
    Glyndwr now?

  2. What is it with democracies? Wouldn’t you call the police if a person moved
    into your house and wouldn’t leave. In this case, like that of the US, it’s
    on a much bigger scale of course, but the primus is the same. Of course in
    the US it would be like 200 people move into my house lol.

  3. Why is it that EVERY white country is forced to be
    multicultural/multiracial? Why is it that EVERY white country is told to
    end its own race/culture? No one asks that of -ANY- non-White country.
    Immigration/assimilation is FORCED upon ONLY White countries Anti-whites
    call themselves “anti-racists” but their actions lead to the elimination of
    only one race, the White race. The purpose of “anti-racism” is to genocide
    white children. Anti-racist is a code for anti-White /watch?v=ZC2uE6Y5sF0

  4. If Hitler had force integrated every Jewish community with Africans, And
    the Nazis threatened any Jew who objected with loss of job and HATE speech,
    And implemented 24/7 anti-Jewish/intermarriage marketing, while suppressing
    any pro-Jewish speech, How long would it take any SANE Jew not to notice
    this obvious program of Jewish GENOCIDE? And what kind of psycho Jew
    wouldn’t object to this? RACIST is a HATE word used to justify the ongoing
    CRIME of White GENOCIDE. /watch?v=lKDeyuM0-Og

    EVERYBODY! The words “immigration”, “tolerance” and “assimilation” are
    being used to PROMOTE a program of geNOcide against White children. –
    According to International Law, open borders, FORCED integration, and
    assimilation is GENOCIDE. Except they don’t call it GENOCIDE when it’s done
    to White children. Then they call it “multiculturalism” STOP WHITE
    GENOCIDE! Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White /watch?v=203-BKE5MgU

  6. if they pass amnesty over here,then they should get rid of all laws it
    should be illegal for people to lock their doors,cars,etc and get rid of
    cops,jails prisons,no more law

  7. Brown & Blair of Labour Party lost control of the borders, with help of EU
    dictatorship. It was a big thing in UK news. When Conservatives got into
    power they did tighten up, but it took time.

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