31 Comments on “Be The Change: Gay rights”

  1. I’m so so so sorry that homophobia is a thing. Your relationship is beautiful. I usually ignore the homophobic comments I get . But I’m gradually getting more and more depressed. I’m openly gay in a catholic school , they HATE IT but EVERYBODY is scared of my parents lmao 😂😭😭

  2. Even as a Christian I know that what that school did was wrong. Nobody deserves to be bullied because they like someone of the same sex.

  3. FUCK that school. I'll support you regardless. Your TRUE friends will follow you regardless. I STILL follow you, ALWAYS!!!!
    And I am gay as well. And out and proud…
    I'm crying with you. You are not alone.
    Don't worry about crying, your human and I still love you.
    You are awesome.

  4. The entire video I was just dying because of how sweet his boyfriend is! He was just hugging, kissing, loving, and comforting him the whole time. I think he really needed it 😭💕

  5. I know this is an older video I just came upon it though for the first time and I want to say I'm sorry that anyone in the world ever told you to erase yourself off of this planet and pretend to be someone you're not. Whether I agree or disagree with anything that you're doing I is a human have no right to tell you to hide yourself erase yourself and don't exist that is BS.

  6. Only just seen this Austin. This is an outrage and a poor indictment on people who profess to be teachers. I’m so sorry you had to go through this and things worked out. As a teacher this has only made me more determined to be a positive and protective gay role model to my students.

  7. I know that is way late, but please tell me that this school got in to trouble, even in 2015 this was not allowed?.. But I am glade you had someone to help you though this and can you give us an update on what is going on with you now?

  8. I'm sorry for what happened but no matter what your fans will always be here we love you and we are your shield you are a true inspiration keep it up love you😁😁you are a true hero(I cried when you started crying)you touched my heart I will stand with you we will not fall❤🙏🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈as sam and colby say onward and upward

  9. Austin hold your head high reach your goals and sod that stupid person show him he was wrong and should not be in charge and you have nicolay he loves you like we all do stay strong get legal advice love you xx

  10. no school should ever do this… I am a teacher and I will never accept that this kind of treatment is ok…. I will continue to fight for US…. and so should you..

  11. What the hell this is not okay I don't understand that there supposed to help you not make you feel worse stay strong bubba don't cry it Brea's my heart ❤️

  12. I'm so sorry you had to go through this nightmare in your school years. I just found this video and you posted it 5 years ago. How is the situation now? How are you now? I hope your life is full of happiness.

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