23 Comments on “Ben Shapiro Clarifies Gay Marriage Stance | Joe Rogan”

  1. To try and understand why God put forth the moral framework he did is to try and understand the will and mindset of God himself. I just don’t think it’s possible. Just like trying to explain beyond a reasonable doubt how the Big Bang happened or what existed before it’s just not conceivable. Ben is clearly falling into the endless vortex of trying to justify his religious beliefs to someone who clearly thinks they are bullshit. This is why a true believer and a non believer will never see eye to eye. They will never even get out the gates really. God clearly(or unclearly) intended for man and woman to be together for whatever reasons. Some obvious. Some maybe not so obvious. The Bible technically instructs us to be celibate and to devote our lives to carrying out his will and warns that even heterosexual marriage will be full of turmoil and challenges. Easier said than done obviously. Gay or straight, God gave us an insatiable sexual appetite. Or maybe he didn’t. Could sin or the devil, if you believe in that, have perverted and over amplified our sexual desires to become so self serving? Could our overly sexualized culture be to blame? I’m sure it was improperly glamorized back then as it is now. The only thing I know for sure is that everyone just wants to get off. Cheers

  2. I think I get what he's saying. A sin is a sin purely based off the fact of what it's called and that the sin is separate from the sinner. I don't think he's trying to be mean to gay people, I think He's pointing out that the old testament states that acting on your feelings is a sin but, he doesn't say that that makes you bad or wrong. Its just something everyone does, which might be the best you could hope for out of religion, especially Orthodox Judaism.

  3. 5:27 – "That's what the bible actually says". Yeah, sure that's when it suits the narrative, but then it goes like:
    – What about all the violence like "“each of you kill your brother, your friend, and your neighbor.”"
    – That's not what it meant, that's from old testament, it's out of context bla bla bla

  4. I'm so glad that we can partake of the wisdom of Ben Shapiro with respect to marriage.  After all, his views are informed by Moses (2 wives), Abraham (3 wives), and King David (8 wives).  At least he doesn't follow Jesus (0 wives).

  5. The verses literal translation is man shall not lay with boy ,its a verse against pedophilia not homosexuality . surprised ben Shapiro didn't know that he's a very intelligent individual .

  6. As much as I see the example of "civilized conversation", the way Ben, obviously smart guy, is incapable of thinking outside of his indoctrination is good example of how powerful religion is.
    What Joe politely describes is straight up common sense. "How would you feel if someone says you can't be with your wife but now you have to lay with men?"
    He replied "not great…" basically sees the logic in that question 100000% and yet still can't shake up that old discriminatory stance towards homosexuals. Because the idea is so deeply ingrained ever since he was young.

    As it is very evident that people who are exposed to potentially society splitting ideas such as homosexuality is sin, they have very hard time overcoming those ideas even as adults – power of being introduced at early age, it is time we, as society, started to seriously contemplating if it is really healthy for parents to expose their kids to religions too early.

    Young kids have no life experience to digest these rather scary, dogmatic idea with healthy perspectives – they are KIDS! They are like brand new sponge – whatever you throw at them, they get observed like water. Knowing this…. still vast majority of parents send their kids to Sunday school knowing their own children could grow up to be a homophobic (or at least struggle throughout their life feeling guilty about things they shouldn't)

    Exposing kids to these ideas breed people like Ben – he literally agrees with flaws of what religions claim as this pod cast demonstrated, but yet can't even
    dreaming of questioning the validity of what he believe.

    It is, however, beautiful to watch two people who are as different as these two can have extremely intelligent calmed conversations.

  7. We need more healthy debates like this from a guy who seems to lean a little more liberal “Rogan” and a guy who leans more conservative “Shapiro”.

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