Bosko Obradovic (MP Serbia) on LGBT rights: Where are the rights of the majority? FULL VERSION

Bosko Obradovic (MP Serbia) on LGBT rights: Where are the rights of the majority? FULL VERSION


(full version) Mr. Bosko Obradovic, president of the Serbian movement Dveri, parliamentary political party in Serbian National Assembly, during the discussion …




20 Comments on “Bosko Obradovic (MP Serbia) on LGBT rights: Where are the rights of the majority? FULL VERSION”

  1. "It is Fundamentally a democratic problem" so "Stop forcing your ideology of homosexualism on us as something normal, natural or modern." 👏👏👏👏👏👏 well said.

  2. Of course, LGBT have MORE rights than others in Serbia. That must be why several people have successfully received asylum in foreign countries for DISCRIMINATION. Please someone explain to me which "more rights" they have, if they can't even marry?

  3. Svaka čast uvredljivo je da opce mora doc do ove teme uopce u regionu kad ima puno tezih i vaznijih tema na balkanu opcenito ali jbga tako je tako je pa sjebi te pedere koli mozes i umijes bravo.
    Puna podrška i Hrvatske!

  4. Hmmmmmm……a few interesting points here.

    The rights of the majority must prevail yes, but I do think there is a space to safeguard minority rights as well. I don't think it's up to anyone to decide what is "normal" to any society. If there are people present in that society from all walks of life, then they are "normal" to that society. They certainly didn't arrive from space, they are Serbians and so they should be protected as well.

    HOWEVER, I do think that sometimes the EU tries to impose it's will on societies that are sometimes not ready for that change and in doing so are in fact alienating the very people they mean to reach. Serbia is an ancient country and they are in a state of transition and should be permitted to do so.

    I have visited Belgrade and I have never felt threatened or out of place, I have many, MANY Serbian friends who would be there for me in a heartbeat if I needed them. Respect. That's what it's all about…..RESPECT.

    Now, the speaker has the right to say what he wants, but it's not up to him to decide what is normal or not – that's a very, very wide road and a slippery slope at that. By that logic, if it was "normal" to keep slaves then those opposing slavery today would be under the self-same umbrella?

    That might seem trite, but it's a question no?

    Anyway, I only wish that a space somewhere in the middle could be found for all societies – extremes don't breed any form of success, only further confrontation.

  5. Ovo je prava slika Srbije. Iako vi to nerazumijete – ovaj vas mentalitet vas vodi direktno u propast, cak i gori nego onaj u kojem se trenutno nalazite.

    Poz. iz RH.

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