24 Comments on “Celebrities defend gay rights in Ghana”

  1. They are all fools believing in a Man Made Religion created by WHITE PEOPLE and there’s nothing more to say to idiots who don’t see the right in treating EVERYONE as equals (as most of these hypocritical fools hide and do it behind closed doors anyway).

  2. FOOLISH PEOPLE ARE YOU PEOPLE GOD and without SIN… If GOD in HIS Greatness HAS not given up on them and still grant them life who are you to do that to your fellow human being… HE hate the acts of sin committed not the person cos He loves them no matter what, and hopes for change. And if we trully claim to be serving GOD we will do the same hate the sin and the not the person are two separate things, we are getting it all wrong. Some of them are gay cos of their struggles in trying to understand who they really are, and our heaven FATHER knows n asked U not to judge .. If we continue to treat them like this, I assure it will surely be legalized cos der r still good ppl on this earth who do not condone to evilness, and legalizing is the last thing we would want in our country.They have the right to life and to choose and make their own decisions just as GOD to some extent HAS given each and us our will to choose and account to HIM later on. This is evil, the HOLY BIBLE does not support
    this foolishness and GOD HIMSELF doesn't support this either– HE preached LOVE. Unfortunately this ppl here are mostly muslims and its not surprising cos this is what their religion teaches them hate hate hate and to be radical… Ofcoase its always the muslims who will do outrageous things like this… Stupid nonsense

  3. Pertaining to that "law" that criminalizes penetration of the penis into anything but the vagina…. we all know that oral sex from woman to man is a favorite past-time in any country, and so is anal penetration in that group.
    As for Christianity, maybe we need to take a closer look at the life of JESUS.

  4. These music and entertainment industries are part of illuminati satanists so why is it not shocking for me when I see celebrities using their platforms to corrupt people….. shhhhh wake up people

  5. If you black and homophobic, you shouldn't get mad at a white person who's teaching their child to be racist, both of you are teaching your children hate.

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