12 Comments on “Christian and Cornell Gay Wedding New Orleans at the Jaxson”

  1. But later on your wedding day all right then, I'm with the guy. I want you guys together a couple to couple bubble games you get at the couple understand out together as a couple cover pigmented that I 70 Brevard County Jail cavity that other couple I went to go out to let you get at the couple you got to cuddle Robbie the movie theaters are the cover buy the Nvidia I was glad that the economy of the Cub I want you out Privateer at Cowboys Bradley Leo movie theater Falcon Risingkevin🙏😃

  2. You don’t know the joy that this gave me seeing two black man and their FAMILIES and FRIENDS celebrate them, their love, and the beginning of their journey. I hope that you guys grow old together in love! Blessings!

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