43 Comments on “Gay Marriage Is Legal”

  1. Maybe the government shouldn’t give a shit in the first place. I’m a Catholic, but couldn’t care less if you married a man, as long as you don’t have gay sex on my lawn

  2. "Don't look" you say? If you don't look, you'll get classed as a homophobe anyway. Makes no damn sense in today's society, as everyone is offended over shit all.

  3. I’m pretty sure I read gay marriage was originally made illegal in England to draw attention away from politicians cheating on their wives (like it was bad for them to be unfaithful so they basically went hey you know what’s worse? Gays! Hate them instead!) and it kinda just spread around the rest of the western world because of England being what it is. Not sure about the rest of the world though lol


  5. my favorite youtuber!!! not only is he the only guy on youtube who makes me laugh out loud, but he also supports gay people ???

  6. I mean whatever you do in your bedroom is your business and if you’re gay cool I am not don’t touch me but I mean certain things should not be legal and this shouldn’t I have nothing against gay people but still nope

  7. #JoeSantagato Best Youtuber Ever! Thank you for always making my day. I appreciate you're videos you post please don't stop making them because I enjoy them and again thank you for making my day. 🙂

  8. This man said it's not like they're gonna be making out on their lawns for the whole world to see 2019 gay couples parading in the streets for a whole month being obnoxious and making the whole country uncomfortable because of there strongly sexualized movement if you ask me thats worst than kissing on your lawn but then again no one will shut it down because they don't want to be called homophobic bigots the idiocracy of these new ideologies is just plain out insane we should not be glorifying lgtbq+ and their lifestyle because its a lifestyle that can lead to depression especially the gender dysphoria aspect of it we need to stop promoting mental illness feel free to commit and debate but use proper grammar and don't resort to calling me names because its a waste of my time and yours

  9. 4 years later and still totally agree with you joe! LOVE IS LOVE ? I say this as a straight woman as well. People should be able to be who they are and love who they want with NO judgment or hate ?

  10. Okay I would like to say one thing to all of you all about the metamorphical hell and heaven….I had a near death experience when I was an agnostic. I survived a car crash in which I was flipped 5 times doing 80 mph on the interstate and I've lived to tell the truth…if you will. When I felt myself leave my body, there was total utter darkness. Then there was a faint light that I could see. I reached for it but it slowly began to fade. I smelled the stench of burning flesh and slowly my surroundings began to come in to view. I went through a door that had a huge lock on it. The door locked popped off and it opened. Then I was shoved by something or someone. I fell into a burning hot pit. I constantly heard cries of despair, pain, agony, distress, the list goes on and on. I saw ruthless criminals and dictators and awfully ruthless rulers like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, Fidel Castro, Sadam Hussein, etc… They were being burned and tortured constantly. It's a continuous burn. My skin began to dry. I sweated profusely. Then I remember seeing things fade out and I closed my eyes and I was back on earth. The doctor revived me. I was laying on the bed in a room with all sorts of things hooked to me checking my. Vitals. It was one experience that changed my life. Before this experience, I did not believe in any of this. I didn't believe there was a heaven or hell or even there being a God or higher power. But I'm telling you and I have never been so serious about anything else in my life….hell is a real place….it is a true lake of fire, torture, eternal damnation, and brimstone….it is TERRIFYING….and if you dont believe in Jesus, that is where you're going. True Christians encourage everyone to do things right. There are different interpretations and different opinions. A true Christian loves everyone in christ regardless of how cruel or wicked they may be, it is God's job to do the judgement, not ours. I'm sure a lot of people commenting on this have heard the expression "go to hell." I used to say it all the time. In no way shape or form, no matter how pissed off I am at someone, wish them to that place that I saw. It is that bad. I'm not trying to force things on anyone and I know it's just my words but I advise whoever on here that doesn't believe it is rel to just think for an instant on if it was real, what would happen to you?

  11. I know I'm gonna get hate for this but im just sharing my opinion I get that being gay is not a life style its something that happens that you cant control but yes it is wrong and disgusting its supposed to be a man and a woman (I'm not saying I have anything against gay people cuz I dont. to chose to hate them because of their sexuality is wrong I just disagree with the sexuality not the person) alright Imma go turn off notifications bc a shit storms gonna hit me for sharing my opinion and when assholes dont like someones opinion the first thing they do is cus you out and start saying stupid unnecessary BS

  12. Ok agree here, very comical yet well thought. I just like the criticism of the signs in a protest in the middle bit so much. Like you could use that to criticize literally anyone who doesn't that, not just those who he does in the video.

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