44 Comments on “Gay wedding – Traditional African gay wedding a first”

  1. Ohhh!!! No judgments at all!!!But all I pray and wish is that let the holy spirit help humans to understand the devils tricks to usher humans to hell given them every justifications about their bodily desires. People please be wise.It's easy,just examine yourself on the basis of the word of God Almighty and see if you are really a true believer. We have all sinned and fallen short of God's glory but let us not give in to the devil.We are created in God's image for God is holy and righteous so too we are.
    Please people of God don't relent your effort to be prayerful for the enemy is ruling now on earth.Resist the devil and he'll flee from you.
    I love you all people of Jehovah God.May the holy spirit help us to repent of our sins in Jesus's name AMEN!

  2. I love African people. Lovely people when they are not brainwashed by western religions and dogmas of the evangelicals fundamentalists.. Being gay is natural and god created the gay just as he created all others.. No one chooses their race or their sexual orientation..

  3. For all the people quoting bible verses about homosexuality, here's some you might also want to read!

    You may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your PROPERTY, passing them on to your children as a permanent INHERITANCE. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way. (Leviticus 25:44-46 NLT)

    When a man strikes his male or female slave with a rod so hard that the slave dies under his hand, he shall be punished. If, however, the slave survives for a day or two, he is not to be punished, since the slave is his own PROPERTY. (Exodus 21:20-21 NAB)

    Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. SERVE them sincerely as you would serve Christ. (Ephesians 6:5 NLT)

    Christians who are slaves should give their masters full respect so that the name of God and his teaching will not be shamed. If your master is a Christian, that is no excuse for being disrespectful. You should work all the harder because you are helping another believer by your efforts. Teach these truths, Timothy, and encourage everyone to OBEY them. (1 Timothy 6:1-2 NLT)

    If we're going to follow the Bible as our source of morality, then I think it's only right we follow the entire book's teachings!

  4. Lots of blacks like to drill ass including Idi Amin – just google it! Most blacks are gay but keep it hidden! Especially the ones that smoke crack, eat fried chicken and condemn homosexuality, which is a lot

  5. God by purpose rain fire. And, in the new testimony, he stated "Sin No More". Regardless the size of sexual activity you brought up.

    So, do NOT be proud. Feel ashamed and don't look of right and freedom to be treated equal with your sin.

    You will be arrested for being proud… for same sex activity. If you seek treatment and feel sorry and willing to get out, then you are still free to go.

    This is not our rule. God want us not to sin no more. So, we are not sinner. We the people are free to live under God's law.

    Sorry brother's. It is not your nature to perform such sin to your body.

    You aren't of your self. God Jesus Crist brought you by his blood. Just because you want to be cheap doesn't disvalue of your self.

    We leave under God for our benefit. It's our nature to follow God, but not to the Devil. Hell is not for us.

    1000% sure, if you die homosexual, you got to go to your father Satan to hell, to be burn to Hell.

    You will regret it.

    We can't accept you within our society, in Africa. We are proud free by Jesus blood, he cleansed us by his blood in the cross.

    We the people.

    We can't sale our freedom for $. No value can't exchange our freedom because you can't compare how mach Jesus Christ paid to owne us; human being.

    Pure human being. We sorry, you don't know of what we knows and we still love you to come to us before it's too late.

    God is good.

  6. I would like to know what the ancestors are going to say about this, how do gay men have sex they push their dick into a next man's Batty I thought the you were supposed to shit through your bum

  7. wow guys you got a gay wedding good job you entered the 21st century we are so proud of you lets get the whole world gay is the new generation ,why not?
    ops is someone homophobic we gonna cut his throat cause being homophobic is fascism and racist

  8. hello & blessed greetings my siblings of creation, the afrikan diaspora & my dear siblings in Messiah/Christ Yahshua….

    some time ago, i was involved with a "christian church" for about 12 yrs…i & my then husband (we were married for a total of 17 yrs & were blessed with 2 beautiful children…) were "placed into a higher level of leadership"/as ministers; about a yr after we were married…we were then sent to another national place where we had a church…

    overtime, i became quite disillusioned due to blatant hypocrisy, that i personally witnessed…
    i eventually left that church…the following is a synapse of my spiritual journey into greter intimacy with The Holy Family, G.O.D./The Generating Omnipotent-scient-present Designer/Determiner…

    1a) i came to realize then, that G.O.D. alone knows who belongs to G.O.D….G.O.D. alone knows who are the redeemed children of G.O.D. & those predestined but yet to be redeemed children of G.O.D….

    1b) i stopped going to that church group & about 3 yrs after healing from an almost fatal injury, G.O.D. convinced/convicted me that i did not hv my own convictions or faith in Christ Yahshua…you cannot copy, imitate & pretend to hv other ppl's faith…

    2) at some point, G.O.D. enabled me to ask G.O.D. to teach me what is true & from G.O.D….i was also prompted to lay all that i thought i knew "on the altar"; as i asked G.O.D. to only give me back, that which was of G.O.D….that was the beginning of my Holy Spirit training in The Holy Spirit's Interpretation/Discernment of what we currently refer to as "the bible" & ignorantly & arrogantly claim to be equal to The Inspired Infallible Word of G.O.D….this particular Holy Spirit training has been on going for some 19 yrs now…

    3a) being led to purchase a  interlinear hebrew, greek & english bblcl text, along with an exhaustive concordance; i somehow read through that bblcl text 3 times; doing detail studies of most of the "books" of the bblcl text…i was also given on going instruction on the lineage of the various modern day versions of the bblcl text…

    3b) the Holy Spirit had me study all of the women depicted in the bblcl text…i don't remember how but i was introduced to john temple bristow, who was apparently led to study the matter of paul's views & later write his book; "what paul really said about women; an apostles' liberating views on equality in marriage, leadership & love…"


    3c) The Holy Spirit also used this book to demonstrate how man deliberately mistranslated words to depict the opposite of what paul was actually asserting…jermh 8

    4a) i assure all, that no human interpretations & translations/bias versions, will ever satisfy deutr 4:2, 12:32 or rev 22:18-19…

    4b) our patriarchal psychosis, racists, sexist, lording over ppl, materialistic, controlling, manipulative & homophobic hearts & minds, automatically blinds us to the very truth that we claim to seek & this applies to everything & every matter we hv engaged…note rmns 8:18-28 & jrmh 8:8…

    5) as to the matter of homosexuality & the bblcl text…
    we hv to acknowledge that the men of sodom were likely heterosexuals men, who wanted to gang rape the angels in order to humiliate them…& we hv to consider that G.O.D. does not hv ezekieal depict that specific event as a charge against sodom in ezekial16; but rather depicts the hebrew israelites' sin as being worst than sodom's transgressions…

    6a) we must acknowledge the significant distinctions between the general-all inclusive term "homosexuality" & the vague term "effeminate" & the male specific greek terms that hv been replaced; respectively ; "arsenokoitai" & "malakai"…

    6b) arsenokoitai is more accurately translated, "as men who carry mats" implying for the purpose of (solicited) sex with men; in other words & most probably, prostitues…

    6c) we hv to acknowledge that the term "malakai" refers to men wearing delicate clothes & acting delicate for some inappropriate reason…when compared to Christ Yahshua's use of the adjective version vrs the active adjective, the term may be referring to men who don't want to work, so as not to mess up their delicate/fine
    clothes or fake weakness as to get out of work…others hv associated the term with men acting delicate to solicit sex from men …whatever yur opinion, it's just that, an opinion & u may not insinuate/apply any divine authority to it; especially not for other ppl…
    matt 11 

    7a) we must acknowledge that such "sex, between & among women is never depicted, let alone admonished, by any prophet, including Christ Yahshua…

    7b) we hv to acknowledge that all inappropriate sex regarding women, had to involve an organic phallus; whether that of a man or beast…see lev 18:6, 20:18 & rmns 1:18-27; where the term "unnatural" as it concerns women, is always associated with beasts…

    7c) we hv to acknowledge that the most logical reason that women's physical intimacy with each other/among each other, was not ever depicted in the bblcl text, is because The One who created sex, does not consider it "sex" & thus such physical intimacy among women is not & has never been an offense to G.O.D.

    8) we hv to acknowledge the time & culture & whole list of "abominations" & may not pick & apply to others, according to our opinions & biased passions… 


    9a) we hv to acknowledge that the gret commission in those days; prior to the coming of Christ Yahshua, was physically multiplying/bearing physical children/fruit…a man would be wasting his seed, if he engaged in any other sexual activity other than ejaculating into a woman to produce physical children…see onan…gns 38:1-10…

    9b) we have to acknowledge that after Christ's coming, the gret commission is to bear spiritual fruit/children unto G.O.D. & inheritable siblings unto G.O.D., Christ Yahshua…the urgence to bear physical children is never depicted in the new testament/the new covenant…jermh 31 & 32…

    10) we hv to acknowledge how Christ Yahshua praised the roman centurion's faith when Christ Yahshua healed his "pais"-young servant & probable lover…matt 8:5-13

    11) if G.O.D. be willing, i shall  gladly reason the bblcl text with any1 about any matter…

    12) those of you who claim to be followers of & not just believers  in Christ Yahshua, i call you out to submit to The Holy Spirit & show yourselves approved in Christ Yahshua; if in deed, The Holy Spirit lives in u…if The Holy Spirit lives in u, then u r indeed out siblings in Christ Yahshua & we extend the right hand of fellowship to you… 
    sincerely, in Christ Yahshua our only Lord & Savior,
    your humble sibling,
    terri a.

  9. This is not the first gay wedding in africa do your research , In the northern part of Nigeria, "yan daudu" is a Hausa term to described effeminate men who are considered to be wives to men.
    During precolonial times, the “mudoko dako,” or effeminate males among the Langi of northern Uganda were treated as women and could marry men. Religious roles for cross-dressing men (homosexual priests) were historically found among the Bunyoro people. The Teso people also acknowledged a category of men who dressed as women.

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