8 Comments on “Howard Stern on Gay Rights and Religion”

  1. What is natural OR Unnatural 🤔…… to WHO❓ IF 2 men or women wants to be together, then WHAT is the big deal. How does that affect your life……….. What IS sad/horrbile is when a "Str.8" guy (married or not) goes out and have sex with other men and then lies to his wife/girlfriend …. on the DL 👊🏼😡

  2. Howard has always been pro gay?????? This is the fucking twilight zone. In Stern’s book, Private Parts, he stated that homosexuality can be cured with psychiatry. Being a former listener for many years, I can state that towards the end of Heroin Artie’s employment, Stern evolved into a delusional effeminate Barbara Walters. He’s nothing more than an A-lister pandering douche. He told Ellen he watches her show for her dancing WTF! Btw, his daughter Emily is gay and in a NY Post article, she stated that her father turned her off to men. Go figure.

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