5 Comments on “Jessica Stern: "Post-Sochi: Where LGBT Rights are Getting the Gold and Getting Prison Terms"”

  1. Seems like Liberal Crusade upon the world. The call for accepting Liberal Values is in direct connection to dropping traditional values, In their land. I'm against discrimination of any kind and particularly of one, singling out a group of people, and saying that they have some special exclusive rights, Besides Human ones. Pursuit of Minorities rights undermine majorities values. Why minorities are more important?!?!

  2. Yes but it doesn't help that social justice warriors and feminists have been spending the last decade+ validating the tactics of such homophobes.   We must silence people to protect people, and play the victim, always the victim, while actually being the bully.  You see this putins laws and persecution, he's just "protecting" the Russian people from homosexual propaganda, they are the ones under attack , thus the victims.  Its invalid in every way, so they also immediately silence dissent, and that's the major thing, you see with social justice warriors and feminists esp on the net these days, they use the same tactics, flagging videos even on youtube, like it or not, in the west we've set a bad example.

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