30 Comments on “Navarro, Cardona spar over gay marriage”

  1. Marriage definition under God's law is between man and a woman. Under Man's law, marriage can be between anybody or anything. Why are Politicians trying to generalized and change laws just to give themselves acceptance and peace of mind? If money, social security, insurance, alimony, etc is what Man's law followers want, they should get it. I'm for adding than changing.

  2. Ana Navarro she should not be a Political Commentator because she thought she was  always right.  Go and sell fish. That's better for you. Were tired listening to you. You are not a good well educated person. You are uncivilized person. Don't be proud too much of yourself. Before you judge TRUMP> Look at yourself. Are you perfect ? Your education is nothing.

  3. She's not a Republican. She's a shill for the liberals. She's there so people can say look even a Republican is against Trump
    Or make CNN look like they have a Republican on. She's a pig

  4. Trump and pence say they live for God but go against God word God said I'm the judge and you will send your self to hell trying to tell people what to do

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