32 Comments on “Question Time – Gay Marriage Debate – 23/05/13”

  1. Fundamentally yes, marriage is about making children. I think if there is too many children than we might as well give them to the gays who can’t make them.

  2. Allowing gay marriage is actually not about equality, inclusivity, human rights, or compassion. It is actually an act of changing the original marriage into just a civil union and rename that civil union as Marriage. It is done by getting rid of 'a man and a woman' in Marriage definition and so by doing that they make marriage the same as civil union. Thus, it is actually an 'Abolition of Marriage'. In reality, because Marriage is essentially 'a man and a woman union', gay couple can never have a marriage, they can only rename their civil union as marriage while at the same time abolishing the original marriage. It's a hijacking!
    If gay couples want to have their legal union in a respected way, they have to find their own term, maybe call it Gayriage or Garriage. It is DIFFERENTIATION, NOT DISCRIMINATION. Confiscating 'Marriage' from 'a man and a woman union' is offensive, bigotry and heterophobic!

  3. It's not 'gay' —- it's 'sodomy'If hating sodomy is homophobic—-I'm a homophobic!Christianity may not own marriage but decency does own marriage!You need not be religious or quote the bible to recognize sexual depravity.The anus is not a dual function orifice!Imposing a public sanctioning of sexual deviancy by use of a activist court is evil.

  4. if people are confused in the sex they are just look between your legs,very simple,i think these people that arent gay but think its okay would like to try it thats why they are for it

  5. gavin you need to check yourself into a place for the looneys,you have nothing to back your way of thinking up just your mixed up brain,you may thiink your a real woman but your not,just pretend

  6. nightowl,i know its not the same,but beastuality is the next thing that will happen in the fight for marraige,at least one of the fights,both are wrong and against what GOD has said

  7. i feel sorry for you Gavin,the bible is full of reasons its wrong,maybe to you its not rational but it is true and if you dont change your way of thinking you will be in that bottomless pit the bible tells about which is hell,and whether you beleive it or not the fact is it will happen,most people in the world think its disgusting but most people are afraid to say it,the bible says its wrong its wrong,end of story

  8. Everyone is like "marriage is between man and a woman" no baby, it's between two people in love. People are acting so entitled and thinking that they (as non-homosexual) have a right to stop someone that is not EXACTLY like them. Sorry, but marriage always was, always is and always will be about love and not about gender. Period.

  9. Watching this as a scared 13 closeted lesbian was awful. Straight people will never understand how it feels to have your rights to something they've had for centuries debated, as if you are a thing, a fun little debate topic for after dinner parties. This was and is many people's lives. Watching this as a teenager was damaging as it told me I was wrong and what I wanted was wrong, but it was also healing to hear people who didn't think this. Yet, the fact that my right to marry someone i love had to be debated as if other human beings having the same rights as you've always had is something that needs questioning at all. I don't know if I will ever marry, but being given the ability to do so is what matters, because for a large part of my adolescence I didn't think I could. And to think that you are going to have less for so many years of your life is irreparably damaging. We have come a long way since this discussion but we still have a long way to go as well. I cannot imagine what life is like for my trans brothers and sisters who have to endure their very existence being questioned every day and jolted at. Any time we begin to discriminate or question another human being and what they present as their truth is a day that we should be ashamed of.

  10. Let me posit this. Mr Paisley, do you think you're entitled to the position of being racist? No, you say. Well, then you're not entitled to the position of being a homophobe.

  11. The poi t everyone keeps missi G is that God ordained marraige, it was his plan and marraige was between a man and a woman. We believe in God's word and to try and redefine we are playing with something God has designed. If you don't believe in God then give your relationship another word like someone mentioned in the programme. This does not have to do with hating anyone but rather in believing what God has designed. I agree that nowadays marraiges do break up and cause a lot of pain to many esp children but it is mainly because people have moved away from God and his teachings of love and commitment.

  12. The sodomy marriage is a sin against nature it is disgusting a rebellion against God and a provocation against his children. The homosexuals people have the nerve and try to prove their abomination they feel like it's ok for them to do it.
    NO it is not ok because this is an abomination to God.

  13. Falconer Omen
    James Delinois
    The only Marriage that God created was between a man and a woman. That's mean and elderly man and elderly woman can get married. Sarah and Abraham was two elderly when they gave birth to Isaac at 90 years old.

  14. Oh come on – “gay marriage” is a contradiction in terms, surely? Most churches don’t recognise it and same-sex couples cannot biologically produce children without a third party, so how can it possibly fit the usual definition of marriage?

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