26 Comments on “What Is The Biggest Threat To Gay Rights?”

  1. OK can anyone tell how if your out driving on the highway and need to water a tree your 35 miles to the next town you pull over stop get out just as you are going a cop pulls up next thing you are in jail and have to register as a sex offender but its ok you to run nude all over a city and with kids around and the cops don,t do a damn thing to them ! Nuts they all are sick nuts lock them up !!

  2. Why is it only chicks with the weird-ass cross-eyed titties take their shirts off in public?
    Why can't we see a pair of nice, pretty perkies from time to time?

  3. So what it comes down to is they hate straight white and black people, Wow! I would tell them try living in a Muslim Country or Even some Asian and see how long you live! you walk outside looking a clown and your dead they don't approve and have no problem letting you know, Trump is not a threat to them in the least bit!

  4. It doesn’t matter if Trump is legitimately a Christian. It doesn’t matter if many of the Christians Trump stands with are heretics. It doesn’t matter if Trump supports LGBTQ rights. It doesn’t matter if America is better off financially. It’s the fact he stands with Christians and that makes him a threat and the heathen can’t help but hate Trump because they hate Jesus Christ. Read John 3:16-21….. really, read it closely. He that Does evil hates the light and neither comes to the light unless his deeds (ways) should be reproved.

  5. I think we need to convince these nut cases that Donald Trump's the monster under their bed causing all the night terrors. The anti white betty was cute. I doubt many will make the voting booth

  6. a bunch of over sexed deviants they are all about lust not love…why would you even give them a voice when they want to corrupt children and turn them gay by instilling it in them,,,i had no problem with gays 20 years ago but when they started forcing Christians to bake cake pushing trans on kid,, throwing bills at a 10 yo in drag and talk about taking ketamine live on tv,,,thats disfucking graceful why are you giving them a voice…USA was built in the eyes of God,,this isn't godly..its spits at him, people are total contradictions these conservatives that promote this arent,,and they shouldn't be included into ,that they should be called the centre and thats ok too,,but not conservative like milo likeable guy but he is leading the straight parade people have gone mad,

  7. see straight people all they want to do is atatck they got their rights and they wonder why they werent given them in teh frist place because those who have a brain knew theyd all want payback take over etc,,same with slavery,,

  8. The biggest threat is themselves. Nudity on the street is against the law regardless of their other bullshit.

  9. These idiots need to stick to their own protest. I don't think that President Trump is a racist. As far as equal rights; I believe we all have them. Some people blame their failure on a lack of equal rights.

  10. The only enemies to these people are themselves. They need to grow up and stop acting out like children. They need to be counting their lucky stars this country is free they wouldn't be out making waves in this video

  11. These people today are delusional don't know where they get their facts from about trump, but the only ones hurting these people are the democracts these people are so brain washed they can't see straight if we didn't beat hitler back in the day he be their president and they be getting throw in jail or thrown off the roof

  12. Ok, most of those people are so ignorant and uneducated! It’s sad, they are like the blind leading the blind! I’m beginning to think gay means stupid in a lot of those people’s cases!

  13. I can't even finish this, sexual degenerates. This is probably why herpes went up in millennials. I'm a black woman who will be voting for Trump in 2020.

  14. Man some of these people don’t even know what’s up in this country. I’m a democratic lesbian, but anti-police and anti-military? We need someone to protect our country. Pretty disrespectful to the kind people who have served their lives to give us a free country. And honestly Pence is probably a bigger threat to gay rights than Trump is.

  15. straight people is a big threat? Now these idiots are start discriminating against others. But they baned others to do the same things to them

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