29 Comments on “Why Did Taiwan Reject Gay Marriage?”

  1. The question on elementary school education is the key to breaking the back of popular support. Casually tolerating/accepting LGBT is one thing, live and let live… but importing material such as rainbow unicorn and indoctrinating "my" little kiddies is a bridge too far for regular people, making them realizing the slippery slope down to somewhere unpleasant like Sweden.

  2. Taiwan is a God-blessed country so most people say NO to same-sex marriage. California, Australia, and Sweden are legal for same-sex marriage, that's why horrible wildfires burned these state/countries. If you don't believe, please read revelation in bible.

  3. Thank you for this. The news coverage I saw didn't go into any detail and I'm so glad I understand this better now. I really do hope that it gets better for them.

  4. Have you ever thought about going back in time?
    Well look no further because this comment section will literally bring you back to the Medieval Times.
    Where people believed the Earth was flat and that men were made with dust.

  5. I have been living in Taiwan for six years now and I just want to say thank you for talking about this issue. I love Taiwan as well and plan to live here for the foreseeable future, and I hope its laws in this area will catch up with the other great things going on here.

  6. It was the Family First crowd sponsored by American evangelicals – as usual. However, they failed on the most part. The legislation is still being passed. Only non familial adoption is not legal.

  7. I can't believe how similar Taiwan looks to China. Oh I forgot it's like a 1.5 hour flight from China. A large percentage speaks the same language Mandarin and I guarantee the get a lot of media from China. But they say there sooooooo different what a joke

  8. You're being a tad overdramatic. Taiwanese voted for establishing same-sex civil union instead of normal marriage. No, it's not the same thing as actual marriage. But it's certainly the right direction. As just a few years ago even that is unthinkable in Taiwan. So give credit where credit is due.

  9. People are going to be gay no matter what…
    They can't stop people from being gay by passing this legislation so even if they don't agree with them , they should just let people who love each other marry (each other) …
    Love is love ❤️

  10. Why do people ALWAYS blame the Christian group for what they believe?… NEVER ONCE did I hear the gay group blame the Muslim group for pushing back with actual death threats.

  11. I liked the video, but the crying at the end was kind of a "drama quenn". I come from Egypt and the situation there is waaaaay worse. We get beaten, put out of the house, lose our jobs and friends, put in jail, we get raped, spat at …. I had almost all these things done to me, but crying for me is not something that people should do at least in a country like Taiwan. The problems there are very "soft".

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