50 Comments on “Adoption & Gay Rights: The Mom’s View Live”

  1. I have lived in Utah my whole life and when I was younger it was like I
    horrible thing to be gay and in the moran religion which is the main
    religion in Utah if was taught that there was something wrong with being
    gay and that you had to be cured and it is still like that to this day and
    its ridiculous how kids are raised like this it is ridiculous it makes me
    sick that people could say that people are just putting on an act I mean
    being gay can cause you to be bullied so in Utah and basically anywhere who
    would just put on an act to get bullied these moms made very good points

  2. this episode made me very happy. It made me a little nervous knowing how
    strongly religious Kayli and Angel are but I guess that was me being old
    fashioned :D

  3. my parents are “generational homophobics” in the sense that they are good
    people and i know that if they had been born in these times they wouldnt
    be, but they just grew up with a different discourse. they would never
    disrespect or discriminate a gay person, but they are uncomfortable and
    generally dont agree with it. well, i know this girl whos friends with my
    best friend whos gay and she is one of the most amazing writers i know, her
    poems and just everything she writes is pure genius and so profound and i
    follow her online and i read all her stuff and im such a big fan. i decided
    one day to start reading her stuff to my parents, they love literature and
    they were mesmerized by this girls writings, and we actually spent a whole
    afternoon at the computer browsing through her works. and i saved a poem
    for a bit, one in which you can tell shes gay cause shes talking about a
    girl and they were like “wait, she?” and i casually said “oh yeah, well
    shes gay” and kept on reading. they didnt say anything, but i could see the
    wheels turning. i think something changed for them that day, and i really
    hope i made a little difference

  4. When people use the Bible as an excuse to not support gay marriage, they
    are saying that the death of Jesus Christ was in vain. Jesus died on the
    cross to forgive people of their sins and so that the old rules wouldn’t
    have to be followed anymore. Nothing in the new testament, which is the
    part of the Bible after Jesus’s time, says anything about homosexuality.
    The old testament, which is from the time before Jesus, is the old rules
    that the crucifixion of Jesus Christ should have freed people from. When
    you use exodus and leviticus as your excuse to say “god hates fags”
    remember that those books were not written by god, but by earthly men and
    kings. Jesus, the embodiment of god, said nothing about homosexuality.

  5. The Bible doesnt say its wrong to be gay, homosexuality is havin’ same
    gender attraction and the Bible doesnt say thats a sin, it does say the act
    such as rape or prostitution is the sin, but a loving consensual homosexual
    relationship you see today is not a sin according to the Bible…dont quote
    me verses from the mistranslated English Bible thank you.

  6. Lev.20:13-If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have
    committed an abomination;they shall surely be put to death;their blood is
    upon them. 1 Cor.6:9-Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not
    inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually
    immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality,
    1 Tim.1:10-The sexually immoral,men who practice
    homosexuality,enslavers,liars,perjurers,and whatever else is contrary to
    sound doctrine

  7. Hey, I live in Kentucky! About, 15 minutes away from Vicco, the town with
    the gay mayor. Also, I would just like to let it be known that no one
    should have to be treated badly. No matter what they do. I’m a proud
    Christian and the basis of Christianity is loving one another. It makes me
    so heart broken to know that some “Christians” use God as an excuse to be
    bullies. I’m pretty sure that is not what God would want you to do. Be nice
    to each other people, no matter what sexuality or religion.

  8. Catch up with the moms as they discuss some important topics on this week’s

  9. Well if you watched other videos of theirs you would know they vary on
    things and talk about their own beliefs it just happens that this subject
    is one they all agreed on and one all humans should agree on. The moms view
    was created as that a moms view on things from moms in various walks of
    life when it comes to human rights I am sure they will agree.

  10. The Bible is pro Slavery, anti women, anti gay, stop trying to change your
    Religion to make it fit into the modern world.

  11. While I agree its unfair to stereotype people,but often stereotypes have a
    root in public perception of a group. while I know not all Christians hate
    gays and don’t assume that they do, the most common person speaking out
    against gays are Christian leaders sighting there faith and often saying
    the most hateful things. If this dose not represent the Christianity that
    you know and practice then speak out about it and take your reputation back
    for the ones that do hate and give you all a bad name.

  12. you can have your opinion and I can have mine. you don’t need to start
    calling people stupid, that’s rude.nd im not brainwashed ive done research
    I ask questions about the church and have outsiders answer it. ur the one
    who brainwashed by what the media people say about religion. and actually
    older people generally dont marry in the church. theres this thing called
    privacy the church cant just ask if you’re sterile. the church is NOT
    against gays and that’s a fact. im done, arguing is senseless

  13. The Mayor of Lexington Kentucky (pop. 300,000) is openly gay and he came
    out before he was even voted in as the Mayor.

  14. that is a very common misconception… the church is NOT anti gay, my
    priest has talked about this many times, they accept all people… the
    reason that the church does not allow gay marriage is because they believe
    that marriage is to have children and biologically two women or two men can
    not have children naturally. I have never heard a priest say that being gay
    is wrong or a sin just that they can’t get married in the church because
    biologically they can’t have children…

  15. i wish every christian saw things from your point of view. i mean you dont
    have to agree with the gay life but dont attack gay people as well

  16. The lady on the far left has obviously never been to the south…
    Acceptance is increasing but close mindedness is still thriving…

  17. Which only proves hated and ignorance is learned.. You are exactly what you
    claim to hate.

  18. Face it, being homosexual is as inborn as having black hair or freckles or
    nature itself would have taken us out the game a long time ago. Cleary,
    evolution maintains homosexuality throughout the natural world, so maybe
    our maker knows something you don’t. Ever stop to think of that! Lastly for
    those who like to quote the bible I share a bible quote: *Romans 14:19 Make
    every effort to do what leads to peace

  19. I loved how the Mom’s View had a live show about adoption. Because I am
    adopted I can totally relate. Thanks Mom’s View 🙂

  20. they should of had different woman with different opinions on gay marriage.
    this was one sided and wasn’t fair to people (like myself) who aren’t
    supporting gay marriage.

  21. oh really because in the bible they are called abominations. Unless you
    knit-pick what you like to follow I would expect you to adhere to it. Don’t
    tell me what’s in or not in the bible. I’ve studied it for many years. It’s
    a pawn used by religious fundamentalists to justify what rules should or
    should not be followed.

  22. I’m so happy to know that these women, some of whom are incredibly
    religious, are so accepting of gays and gay marriage! It shows that
    understanding how someone feels as a gay person will allow a person to
    empathize with them. Lack of knowledge creates a fear because they don’t
    understand. It’s important to know that we’re all human beings and we all
    deserve the same rights!

  23. I’m saying that’s the reason and I’m saying the church is not against gays.
    how is the church suppose to know if someone is sterile or not? if the
    church wants to stick to tradition and not have same sex marriages in the
    church they can do that… and if someone wants to have a same sex marriage
    the church should just let them be. People shouldn’t try to force the
    church to have same sex marriages and the church shouldn’t say that gay
    people shouldn’t get married. It goes both ways.

  24. SHARZAD IS SO BEAUTIFUL and well spoken! I love her on this show! She is
    the main reason I watch!

  25. The bible also says blacks are doomed for hell and that women are lesser
    than men, I bet you choose to ignore them parts though eh.

  26. Be mindful of your mouth! Only god can judge someone! I don’t believe god
    would be pleased with people trying to do his job!

  27. cont.. this is why the church doesn’t marry gays but sterile couples and
    elderly couples because being gay in the bible is something deserving of
    torture in hell. You can’t escape it. apologetics try to escape the evils
    of the Bible by twisting it to appear more loving but you can’t avoid the
    hatred. its there for all to see.

  28. Well those so called Christians who think they have power and like to
    control people are horrible humans and if I am right about my belief in God
    they are in ALOT of trouble. Not all Christians are the same and a true
    follower of Christ will admit they don’t know all the answers, a true
    Christian is humble and caring and genuine and if they are not they are

  29. I have a lot of respect for Caylie. Watching the shaytards over the past
    few years I’ve always wondered where they stood on gay rights because ive
    heard several time they say they are conservative mormons, not that all
    mormons are anti gay, i know gay mormons, but its definitely a stereotype
    that mormons are anti gay.

  30. Where I’m from, gay marriage has been legal since 2001. I was 7 back then,
    I never knew any thing else besides it being very normal for people of the
    same sex being married. Who are people to say that heterosexual love is
    different from homosexual love?

  31. When I was 6 my mum worked at a drag bar and during the day my uncle and
    his boyfriend would take me here and the bartender would color with me and
    give me free Cheryl temples. My mum thinks I’m too fond of gay people lol

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