39 Comments on “Can Obama Actually Crack Down On Corporate Tax Loopholes?”

  1. Whether he can do it or not is immaterial. Why would he do it? He’s a
    center-right corporatist. Contrary to what the Right-wing Blogs will tell

  2. If the democrat party or Obama rely on tax loopholes then the answer is

  3. Liberals are very loose with the tax talk when they know its not their
    money on the line.

  4. Ireland’s a small country trying its best to recover from near economic
    ruin in 2009. If Facebook, Apple, Google, Ebay, etc. didn’t bring a lot of
    jobs to the country, we wouldn’t hesitate to kick them out. But the fact is
    they do, so the Irish are quite reluctant to tighten its corporate tax
    laws. So, although France and Germany are putting political pressure on
    Ireland to fall into line, our response is basically “go fuck yourselves”.

  5. Don’t be so naive. Despite what the administration says publicly to keep
    it’s lib base happy, even they know low corporate taxes is good for
    America, and they’ll keep looking the other way and allow companies to
    achieve it anyway they can. Otherwise the stock market falls and Obama
    loses one of the few good things going for him. Notice when New York City
    tightened the screws it backfired and all the big tax payers started to
    leave town. There aren’t many things more stupid than raising taxes.

  6. Obama had Timothy Geithner as the Secretary of the Treasury. A man who
    violated the Glass-Steagall Act before it was repealed while he was working
    for Citigroup.

    Even though that’s not directly related to this. It shows the direction
    that Obama will lean in issues like this.

  7. Let’s hold corporations to the same standards the IRS dictates for
    individual tax payers:

    “Not reporting income from foreign sources may be a crime. The IRS and its
    international partners are pursuing those who hide income or assets
    offshore to evade taxes. Specially trained IRS examiners focus on
    aggressive international tax planning, including the abusive use of
    entities and structures established in foreign jurisdictions. The goal is
    to ensure U.S. citizens and residents are accurately reporting their income
    and paying the correct tax.”


  8. What we need to do is collect US taxes from every corporation that does any
    business whatsoever in the United States, on all of their profits worldwide
    rather than just what they designate in their cooked books as being “US
    profits”. If a corporation wants to avoid paying US taxes, they’re free to
    do so. All they’d have to do is shut themselves out of the most lucrative
    market in the world.

  9. I should start a gambling site, “What_will_Obama_do.com”.
    I could make a fortune.

  10. Obozo is the greatest EPIC FAIL of a president! Obozo will try to raise
    taxes even more and drive our economy down the ditch! We need Sarah Palin
    as our next president because she will cut taxes even more and encourage
    everybody to bring their money back home to the Palination! That money will
    NOT be taxed at all! The Palination will have ZERO taxes on ALL businesses
    large and small!

  11. If you’ve been in the business world you know there’s a huge gray area
    between doing legitimate business and breaking laws. This is true in all
    issues not just in tax. No-one is making corps go deep into that gray area
    on the issue of tax, they often themselves aggressively push there way more
    than they do in other issues even though they probably could make more
    money by going gray in those areas too like for example in their hiring
    practices. So yes, there’s blame on the politicians who aren’t stopping
    what is essentially tax evasion but there’s also plenty of blame for the
    corps as well.

  12. Also I don’t think many of you understand how this works. What these
    companies are doing isn’t illegal. For example apple, they will create a
    subsidiary company that owns the rights to the patent royalties of their
    foreign sales. This money doesn’t come back to the parent company, and
    because of that the US can’t tax them on those profits.

    You want to get angry at Obama, but the fact is he can’t touch those
    companies unless Republicans agree to tax reform that closes these
    loopholes in tax law. You can get Republicans to the table by agreeing to
    lower the rates, but ultimately closing the loopholes, which will certainly
    create more revenue depending on how much you lower the rates, but it
    shouldn’t be ignored as I said earlier that lowering those rates will also
    help smaller companies who can’t take advantage of loopholes and tax

    The issue here is effective tax rate, lowering the statutory tax rate,
    while raising the effective tax rate is a win, and anyone who ignores that
    reality is not only an ideologue but a fool. 

  13. Can Obama crack down on corporate tax loopholes? His job as president is to
    BE a corporate tax loophole, as evidenced by his top campaign contributors.

  14. Obama cracking down on taxes? This is a bigger JOKE then obama getting the
    nobel peace price,,,,,,,,,,what was it he said about the dron
    killengs,,,”at least im good at killin people” fucking war criminal and
    mass murderer should be in the court in haag and pout in a cage where he

  15. Cenk I love this show, but my criticism is that you talk about America and
    American lives as if it’s all that matters. America doesn’t exist in a
    bubble. The problems you speak of are problems of humanity. It’s not too
    liberal to give a shit about others in the world. Your parents are foreign
    for God’s sake.

    Britain DEFINITELY needs a TYT equivalent. We are built on corruption.

    Maybe some pointers for this? But also, how would a foreigner help the
    American WOLFPac?

    I think looking at how Scandinavia got rid of kings and became democratic
    may be a good starting point. I know, you’re trying to push for the
    Convention, but they shit all over the constitution every day.

  16. Out of the $1.08 Trillion our federal government spends annually on tax
    credits, only 8% goes to corporations (Congressional Budget Office). The
    bulk of our tax credits go to the middle class and poor.

  17. “Tax reform” works like this:

    1. lobbyists bribe Congress to give corporations massive loopholes and
    subsidies, reducing their taxes and putting more of a burden on the rest of
    us to make up the loss in revenue or add to the national debt.

    2. lobbyists complain the tax code so gosh darn complicated—let’s
    “reform” it and take out the loopholes we bribed Congress to put in, as
    long as corporations still pay less in taxes.

    3. lobbyists bribe Congress to put loopholes back into the tax code.

    Lather, rinse, repeat while the rest of us go down the drain.

  18. You can set the minimum tax through the WTO, and through trade agreements
    (ie. like the one with the EU).

  19. I think that we should just scrap the corporate tax altogether, and
    increase tax rates on the highest income brackets in america. Don’t tax the
    buisineses just tax the people who profit off of them. 

  20. I suspect it’s because Obama wants to see gains during his term, so he’s
    been willing to give the corps super huge long term bonanza deals in return
    for a little return now to stimulate stuff during HIS term. Robbing Peter
    to pay Paul

  21. Obama makes great speeches and offered such great promises, but as it comes
    to his actual delivery ~ money in politics from ultra-rich donors like
    corporations have corrupted Congress, the Republicans have been mostly
    obstructionist to any policies Obama aimed to bring forth, and thus Obama’s
    attempts to create bipartisan efforts have mostly failed …

    When it comes to corporate taxes, corporations are amoral entities and
    invariably act to protect their bottom lines regardless of any damage this
    causes ~ they’ve done all they can to evade lawful taxes, and the result
    has been a slow escalation of accrued debt … if taxing corporations is
    the goal, and its a good goal, the way to do is would be to make offshore
    tax havens illegal ~ if corporations want to do business here in the US,
    they have to pay their fair share …

    BTW, considering Obama’s stance on the TPP, he’s proven to be a corporate
    shill … until he actually properly taxes corporations, I’ll see all this
    as bluster towards his base, just blowing more hot air …

  22. These four are very comical talking about stuff they know nothing about.
    There are no such things as “loopholes”, the companies are NOT evading
    taxes which is a criminal situation, and they are NOT hiding money offshore
    which suggests criminal conspiracy. What they’re doing is all according to
    the laws. Taxation policy is extremely complex when internationals are
    involved. These companies pay taxes to those jurisdictions where they earn
    their profits, they deposit profits offshore to avoid double/triple
    taxation should they bring the funds stateside.

    these four progressives want to tax such corporations much higher which
    would raise the prospect that those Countries where the profits originate
    could then increase their taxes. Why would they want to leave “money on the
    table” for the Americans to tax heavily when they could avail themselves of
    the money up front so to speak?

  23. He won’t crack down he is a corpratist just like Cenk said earlier this
    week.Ron Paul would but democrats and republicans are dumb and only vote
    for fascist dictators 

  24. Obama could close the loopholes overnight with an executive order, on the
    grounds of the loopholes being unconstitutional to begin with. Special
    protection is unequal protection, and is in violation of the equal
    protection clause, Obama could LEGALLY get rid of loopholes overnight, but
    he won’t because he’s not going to do a god damned thing, because the
    people with the money to lobby for these loopholes are the ones that own
    his ass 🙂 As for the offshore stuff, who knows, I would think you’d want
    to do more to invite capital back to the country, a strong currency would
    go a long way in doing that, so you might want to stop printing a trillion
    dollars a year.

  25. Answer: Ugh, no he can’t. He has no real power. When are you stupid
    Americans going to realize Obama is just a public figure head.

  26. i cant believe anyone believes anything obama, Bush, Clinton anyone since
    JFK says and does. hes proven hes full of sht with everythign he says, time
    for a new government. The fact Obama is for the TPP trade deal should be
    alarm enough.

  27. The joke is that thanks to its behaviour over the debt ceiling, and its
    increasing danger to global financial stability, the US will be
    increasingly sidelined on the global stage over the next 20 years. I’d pass
    this legislation quickly, whilst any companies still want to operate from
    the US at all…

  28. You want the government to “just enforce the laws already on the books”
    Cenk? You mean like enforcing the laws on the border with Mexico? Or should
    the government just enforce the laws you agree with?

  29. the real problem i see is that, people are not that educated in these kinds
    of hings. thats the reason they get away with this swiftly. corporations
    adopted their own language for a reason. imagine if we can dice-fer what
    they really mean when they speak?..lol…god bless yall..peace. 

  30. Fuck the government and their ways . I’m going to live in a forest ! 

  31. Corporations that evade taxes should be de-listed from the stock exchange
    until they comply. It should also be a condition to the qualification for
    any form on government benefit including subsidies, licensing and grants.
    This should be retroactively applied back to the start of the quarter prior
    to the infraction.

    Also, make this international law plus all corporate taxes should be paid
    in the nation where the transaction occurs. You move your IP to ireland,
    tough shit, you sold the product in Germany, you pay income tax in Germany.
    Then they can move the money where they want because the tax has already
    been made.

  32. I bet you Mitt Romney is pissed on what obama is trying to do….
    Mitt romney is like “No! Give the smaller businesses a bigger tax rate! I
    don’t care if we have to close small businesses just because they can’t pay
    bigger takes lets dooooo itttt!
    Obama: I aint doing shit…. But lets go for round 2

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