45 Comments on “Isinbayeva condemns displays of homosexuality | Sochi 2014”

  1. She can barely speak English, go easy for fuck sake, she lives in a country
    that constantly brainwashes people into thinking ‘gays want their kids’,
    There are many americans just as uninformed. You can attack homophobia
    without demonising naive athletes. 

  2. Dear foreing friends!

    Please do not dramatize the situation with gays in Russia. We don’t
    prohibit homosexual relations, but only prohibit to impose their sexual
    orientation around our children. In accordance with the high ideals of
    democracy and national self-determination, our people have decided not to
    take non-traditional sexual orientation as a norm. It’s our choice.

    Pay your attention, for example, at the United Arab Emirates. Gay rights
    are really violated and abused very badly there.

  3. Oh! One last thing. Gays use the word “Hate” as an offensive to put people
    on the defensive. Because nobody wants to be labeled as a hateful person.
    Theyve been using this word since the 60s. And its been very effective.
    But, dont fall for it!! Stand up for what is right and pure. 

  4. you’re not different you’re fucked in the head and you are a disgrace not
    only to the actual good citizens of russia but to the whole world. For the
    olympics I’d say break a leg … litterally.

  5. LGBT is not just asking for rights or equality. They are pushing for
    domination of their way of sexual life. Nowadays it’s hardly possible to
    watch any new drama without a gay love story included. Putting a scene or
    two with two guys kissing mouth to mouth is becoming common. No amount of
    tolerance helps me from feeling disgusted and sick when I see that. What’s
    next on TV screens or school tolerance textbooks? Guys kissing their goats
    (bestiality) or dead bodies (necromania)?

  6. The Homosexuals agenda is to pervert all society. What Governments have
    done in the past and is doing now is to promote a sexual revolution. For
    everybody to see sex as a normal thing out of marriage. Thru music,rap
    videos,t.v. shows,Hollyweird, they pump sex sex into our brains. And right
    behind that current of sex comes the Faggots agenda. Because the citizens
    are already demoralized. So, it makes it that much easier for the typical
    citizen to accept Gays. And these faggots will never stop, they are like
    dead zombies, that keep coming and coming! 

  7. Gays dont want equal rights. They are way past their equal rights. They
    want whole societies to accept them. And they want domination. Their brain
    doesnt understand anything else. But, to inflict their twisted, abnormal,
    perverted ideas. Faggots think with their asshole, not with their brains.
    Im so proud of this girl. Standing up for what is good. Against the current
    of this sick world.

  8. She basically says she is against the public promotion of homosexuality,
    not against individuals who live that life.

  9. this chick is probably the furthest thing from “normal and standard”…
    Russia just has a lot of catching up to do—it’s 2014 guys, not the

  10. you are a stupid bitch! you clearly barely have a grasp on real life! I
    hope all these russian haters burn in hell! Are we back to segregating
    drinking fountains?

  11. Omg! She has her own opinion! Call the ACLU! They must set her straight!!!
    Oh wait, Russia doesn’t give a shit about the ACLU….

  12. Sadly she reflects the stupidity of the majority of Russians who accept
    this political nonsense. The fall of Russia continues, as politicians like
    Putin infect their citizens with a brain eating decease. Cannibalizing
    themselves mentally by eating into intolerance, disrespect, discrimination,
    hate, abhorrence. Russia will burn once again as the seed of fascism
    rebirths itself.
    Is this pole vaulter worth listening to, or even competing against. She
    reflects nothingness, and enlightens the world to what the general level of
    Russian thinking is and it is definitely that side of stupid.

  13. Some of the most ignorant and intolerant people on here are the ones who
    can’t get it past their thick skulls that American’s and their views only
    compromise a small percent of the world population. The rest of the world
    doesn’t care nor wants to hear it. 

  14. Isn’t it ironic that she is using her right of free speech to condemn the
    free speech of gays as something that should be illegal? People stop the
    ignorance nobody is trying to make you do anything you don’t want, nobody
    is going to “turn you gay” unless you already had those feelings, all gays
    want is to be treated equal with the same respect.

  15. It’s just the lifestyle there. You can’t say anything living in a
    completely different environment.
    I can tell by the comments the individuals talking haven’t set foot there.
    Wrong or right, its not your call.
    We got dumb shit, like Toronto Mayors smoking crack, City of Detroit
    being bankrupt, let’s worry about or own shit before telling others how
    theirs smells…

  16. Wow. This chick just went from being super hot to very much not. Tolerance
    doesn’t mean approval, but publicly supporting an anti-gay law is
    tantamount to hatred, regardless of how “unrespectful” she finds gay
    behaviour that doesn’t fit into her sheltered Russian box of a closed,
    pathetic life.

  17. Ahaha. Check out the URL to this YouTube vid. The first four letters sum up
    this woman and a large proportion of the commenters quite nicely.

  18. I wonder how all those companies whose brands are boldly displayed behind
    “Miss Normal,” in this video clip, feel about their names being used to
    endorse Russia’s expressions of bigotry & intolerance. Companies like
    Toyota, Canon, TDK, TBS, Adidas, Seiko, etc.

  19. Russian Pole Volt Champion Yelena Isinbayeva said her anti gay remark’s
    were ‘misunderstood’. On Thursday Yelena Isinbayeva mention the anti gay
    law brought in by her country,but however in the statement on Friday she
    said “English is not my first language and I think I may have been

  20. By supporting her Government’s knee jerk reaction to homosexuality,which
    has led to an increase in homophobic attacks,then yes she is inhuman,as is
    her Government.And I’d far sooner she DIDN’T ‘give the default politically
    correct pro-homosexual answer’,as so many do,so that she may be identified
    for,if nothing else,the sheep she is.The end piece to your comment is plain
    nonsensical,’gay people don’t HAVE to take part in homosexual activity….’
    Why should’nt they? And not knowing about

  21. They may have an agenda but only one is pollitically correct, and that is a
    man and a woman together, not an abomination spread in the media that we
    see now.Your agenda is particularly harmfull to a harmonious society and
    since this agenda including feminism has reared up there is far more
    devastation on this earth than there has ever been.And the more you push it
    the more you are exposing yourself, like a wise man once said the higher a
    baboon climbs up a tree the more of its arse you can see.

  22. it can be cured with prays to God and the Virgin mary? hahahahaha come on,
    we are not in the middle age anymore….grow a little, and ask a scientist
    not a priest

  23. This woman wouldn’t have been allowed to even compete if women before her
    didn’t fight for her rights. She either has no appreciation for what she
    has been handed, or she simply doesn’t care to extend the same compassion
    and love for people who have yet to gain what she was simply given to her
    by the women who had to fight for her rights. It’s is her right to say
    these things, but to expect those who she has slandered to sit by idol is
    simply sad.

  24. Прогнулась Исинбаева, чо уж там говорить. Испугалась.

  25. тогда ты мудила недоделаный, чёртов гомолюб

  26. мученица битвы с передовым отрядом антихриста! теперь можно ей какую-нибудь
    государственную награду вручить за это, что бы не расстраивалась, ну и
    вообще, компенсировать

  27. I think it’s YOU who’s making a big deal over it so I’ll leave you to it.

  28. Why would she wanna fuck gays you Ukrainian faggot, Go to Russia and be
    openly faggot, they will swallow you alive you stupid gypsy poor 3rd world
    Ukrainian whore.

  29. And WHY would I wish to visit a country who’s abhorrent treatment of
    homosexuals would place me at risk?! So,given that you seem to know so much
    tell me how many of those arrested for hate attacks against gays are
    actually successfully prosecuted & imprisoned! Yes,attacks on gays DO take
    place ‘everywhere’,BUT in countries where hate attacks are a criminal
    offence these people are dealt with & punished.And it’s disingenuous to
    compare a ‘slap’ on the cheek with violent attacks.

  30. homophobia is a CULTURAL problem that is EVEN EASIER to cure! Sorry

  31. Гнилые “люди” это пидарасы и им подобные!!!Ленка МОЛОДЦА Россия с
    табой!!!Пидарьё ебаное сидеть и невякать мрази!!

  32. if you look at gay friendly countries they have huge STD epidemics. I’m
    sick of swingers bisexuals gays spreading diseases and swapping partners. I
    have never witnessed one gay parade which promotes monogamous relationships
    and safe sex. In short they repulse me

  33. Do you even know what you just said? If something ever is a tool in the
    hands of politicians it is BECAUSE THE PEOPLE WANTS THE CHANGE. Politicians
    would NEVER pay attention to ANYTHING if it wasn’t for the PEOPLE in the
    world actually craving it. LGBT rights are NOT a politicians thing, it is a
    change that PEOPLE have fought for and sought after for years. If the
    people in Russia wants homosexual people to badly treated then so be it: We
    won’t approve that, and we will protest.

  34. The same reason the world had to have black and female rights shoved down
    your throat, “though that is a vulgar expression” and that is because they
    are oppressed, hurt, murdered and shunned. Once we have basic rights then
    it will be considered normal, and the need to be vocal will stop. Women
    have rights now, but had to fight for them the same way. This includes
    Blacks, the Jewish, and even Christians. People who had to fight for rights
    in history should be compassionate.

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