2 Comments on “Judge hears challenge of Texas’ gay marriage ban”

  1. People have voted against gay marriage in Texas but due to the
    corrupt,criminal left, votes don’t count anymore !! The criminal left just
    forces their warped agenda via the courts with zero regard for the majority
    who voted for this ban OVERWHELMINGLY!!! Obama and his regime are wanting
    to make America a third world nation,so it’s only fitting that we American
    Citizens behave like a third world populace!! Meaning we all go up to D.C.
    and run obama and his regime right out of D.C. and ship them all back to
    Kenya ,Indonesia or wherever obama came from!!! 

  2. If they want to be married, fine, just don’t allow them to force Churches
    to marry them. Be married by a judge or move out of Texas!

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