44 Comments on “Lively: Russia’s Anti-Gay Law Is “One Of The Proudest Achievements Of My Career””

  1. These guys serve satan. I would not be surprised if it found that they are
    part of a satanic cult. Only people who subscribe to those beliefs can be
    so evil. 

  2. What a smarmy cunt, it will be great day when it comes out that he loves it
    up the wrong un, that will be a proud day for me.

  3. Does that make you a proud human being Lively? Taking away human rights
    from humans?

  4. Why don’t you and Scott the Bible Thumping Anti Gay Bigot Loser Lively both
    move to the coldest, most remote part of Russia. That way, you won’t infect
    anyone else with your BIGOTRY. BTW – Scott the Loser is from Springfield,
    MA. If anyone from the area happens to watch this, go and Protest outside
    his Coffee Shop. He Street Preaches there.

  5. Your version of “God” is a totalitarian hateful asshole hell bent on
    shoving people to hell if they even show decency to anyone who’s LGBT
    friendly or are born the way they are. If that’s your idea of a loving god,
    then your god does not deserve to be worship. and if that makes me against
    your god, so be it. Send me to hell, away from cretins like you.

  6. isn’t this the guy that inspired that “eat the poo-poo” preacher in Africa?

  7. Really?? I thought the proudest achievement in your career were the
    hundreds of people you’ve helped to kill in Uganda and other African
    countries. There are so many moments to rejoice, right?

  8. I was one at the time but that evil monster advocated in my home state to
    get Oregon Ballot Measure 9 pass which would stripped equal rights for gays
    and require schools to teach that being gay is wrong and to be discouraged.
    If it passed it would of made my teenage years a living hell but thank
    goodness it was defeated by the voters.

  9. Let’s not also forget that both of these two are “bedfellows”. Lively once
    worked for the American family Association. Lively was also the primary
    author of the pink swastika. This book has been denounced by every
    reputable historian. Both of these two are genuine fundamentalists in the
    truest sense. During Jesus’ time it was the fundamentalists that had him
    murdered believing that they were doing the will of God. By attempting to
    wipe us gays out these two are also passing judgment for God.

  10. Putin is directly following the Nazi playbook. Hitler did EXACTLY the same
    things in 1930’s Germany to unite his Nationalist public. Every dictator
    does this – they pick a minority group, or several, to blame and attack,
    then they stand back and watch. At the right time, they rally their people
    to fight, and they go to war. The masses in Russia are idiots for falling
    for it. Every far-right group does it, and Putin is no different to the
    last fascist.

  11. Let’s not forget that it was Scott Lively that had his grubby fundie
    Christian paws elbow deep in the Uganda “kill the gays” legislation.

  12. Immorality has always been in this world. I understand very clearly that
    things are changing rapidly. During the 50s and 60s mothers would stay home
    with the kids and rear them with values. Fathers income was enough to
    support his family with reasonable comfort. It is greed for money and our
    new technologies that are at the root of these changes. We do not have
    control over others but only ourselves and sometimes not even then.

  13. Because treating people like crap for sympathizing, or *gasp*, being gay is
    obviously some thing Jesus(aka, love thy neighbor, love the sinner hate the
    sin, turn the other cheek, etc) would totally support.

  14. This goes to show the danger of Indoctrination/Conditioning, because how
    could a well thinking human being support a man who boasts about killing
    tons of people AND jeopardizing the lives of millions? Scott Lively is an
    evil brute who deserves to be held accountable for his wickedness. If Sadam
    Hussein could be dragged before the International Court, why not Scott

  15. Scott Lively proud of being a scumbag. Fuck this guy; move to Russia you
    intolerant hate monger.

  16. If there really was a “Gay Mafia” ,, these guys would have a bullet in
    their heads by now. And the world would be a better place..

  17. Then I think he should live there. Since he likes so much government
    control over someone else’s life.

  18. Remember when guys like this used to hate Russia? Funny how the existence
    of gay people can spur change.

  19. Would you go to Berlin in 1936 if you knew what you know now? Have you been
    thinking of buying tickets to Sochi-2014 lately? Boycott Russian Olympic
    Games. Russia-Today is a country with no human rights once again! Your
    no-show will help Russians and people around the world to stop the USSR.2

  20. they’d endorse an abortion clinic if it discriminated against others…such

  21. Addressing your issue about more anti-Christian to putting children in
    detention because they prayed openly in class. I’ll give an example of why
    it was removed. Okay you have a class filled with different kids from
    different religions. Whose prayer is going to be honored in that class? The
    Muslim prayer that offends the Christian prayer? The Jewish prayer that
    excludes Jesus as Savior offends the Christian? So tell me, which prayer do
    you use that is not offensive to anyone?

  22. If a god like yours really existed, he would be a horrible monster that
    every decent person would fight to their dying breath. fortunately, there
    is not a single shred of proof that such a being exists. So, we just have
    to put up with you assholes who believe he does, which is much easier.

  23. There are homosexuals, even in Russia. Then fact you wish to pretend that
    they aren’t there says a lot about your morals. Or the lack of it. And not
    all gays are dressed in leather or are barely dressed, if that is what you
    are afraid of. I think you wish to maintain a picture of homosexuals that
    feeds your prejudgments.

  24. Have you seen the new public service release in Russia in regard to gay
    people? It is actually far worse than the Nazi propaganda against the Jews.

  25. You should move there Lizzy. I mean, PLEASE move there Lizzy. It would sure
    freshen up the air here in America, for your stench is getting quite

  26. Maybe they’ll outlaw Jews, Protestants and Roman Catholics aswell. They are
    all small minorities, I’m sure you’d feel the same if the Russian legal
    system codified their social exclusion, yeah?

  27. Dafuq? Who let this bigoted troll into MA? We’re supposed to be a
    progressive place.

  28. So you didnt have anything to do with it,another self delusion prick who
    thinks he has influence in world politics.

  29. you’re talking about the “Reverend” Martin Ssempa. I think they inspired
    each other mutually. they also have quite a bit of blood on their hands!

  30. And all in the name of his loving god. These hateful creeps all need to
    have their tax-free status removed immediately.

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