10 Comments on “Mitt Romney’s Gay Rights Record Questioned By Obama Adviser David Plouffe”

  1. Mitt Romney is a good NeoCon and a great Mormon. Mitt Romney is a
    experienced politician and exactly what the USA needs.

  2. @democratsaresmart – I want a big fat steak & let’s do it the day Mitt is
    elected as our 1st Hispanic President

  3. Very well spoken, eloquent and astute gentlement. He navigated his way
    brilliantly round the OWS question trap, mounted a cunning counterattack by
    delving on the issue at hand, then produced a great answer to reinforce
    white house convictions. Now thats a real adviser to a politician.

  4. @Senehtsotara I dont believe there is a politician out there that isnt a
    flip-flopper. Look at Perry. He flopped parties for crying out loud.

  5. @democratsaresmart — i’m just saying that Mitt’s Mexican heritage may
    effect his thinking

  6. MITT’S FATHER WAS BORN IN CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO to parents who married in
    Mexico, with both sets of grandparents living in Mexico & many of Mitt’s
    cousins are still living there & inasmuch as his father came over as an
    illegal alien he’ll always have a soft spot in his heart for them

  7. @democratsaresmart –His father was a citizen of Mexico – so that qualifies
    him for me

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