9 Comments on “NOM’s Latest Failure – April 28 MNW”

  1. Its nice to hear all these bans being challenged one after another. but its
    making the gay marriage landscape super confusing with everything in limbo.

    once a ruling in a higher court happens I’m willing to bet that we will
    know where this is going at this point. But its well known that the battle
    is already won. we just need to push for the last few steps to be completed

    Hell, fox has two main characters in a very significant relationship in
    glee. just that in itself is a huge push in the favor of gay rights. 

  2. I really oppose the monetary argument. Should equality be any less of a
    consideration if it actually cost more money?

  3. Hey you guys are awesome and extremely informative. If you guys didn’t do
    this I would know nothing about gay news!

  4. At least we know that SCOTUS will give a difinitive answer on the question
    eventually. Either they will hear arguments and issue a ruling, or they
    will take all the appealed cases together and refuse to hear them, thus
    letting the decisions of the lower courts stand.

  5. It’s rather annoying that Oregon would have to vote on lifting the ban.
    Voting for rights is never right. They should be obvious and protected by
    law, not granted by popular vote.

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