15 Comments on “Anti LGBT Activist: Gay Marriage Support Is Fake”

  1. If marriage is sacred because it makes certain that kids will have a mother and father, then explain marriage among the elderly? What about when they can't, or choose not to have kids? Why does marriage continue after the kids are out of the house, or the wife is past childbearing age? With a divorce rate over 50%, what's his explanation for THAT?!

  2. 0:22 If marriage is about families, gay couples have children in the same fashion as infertile couples, through a surragate or adoption. More states allow adoption by gay couples than ban it and polling shows a majority (61%) support gay adoption rights. Considering legal context, the three primary objections for gay marriage are 47% for religious reasons (unconstitutional), 20% that marriage be between a man and a woman (not a reason, for the sake of it), 16% tradition (same as the latter).

  3. My first thought would be that Gary Bauer is certainly just as much obsessed with "butt sex" as PrinceFelipe. My second thought would be that the source of their obsession is that neither one of them is on the receiving end of as much of it as the far prettier Ralph "Bottom"Boy" Reed is despite their constantly trying to match his record.

  4. So, Gary "Bitter-Prissy-Old-Queen" Bauer is opposed to gay marriage. My bet would be that he has a totally position–well, in reality, several of them–when it comes to gay men's restroom toilet-stall sex.

  5. While the anti-gay movement has its head in the sand, pretending that American attitudes aren't really changing, the gay rights movement is reaching milestone after milestone.

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