27 Comments on “Australia Goes Full Retard – Gay Marriage Postal Vote”

  1. Sad, but unfortunately many in their early twenties think themselves anti-establishment because they have some tattoo's, work an office job, drink 3 cans of Red Bull per day and can quickly confirm any opinion held as correct with a quick google search.

  2. People of Australia fight to keep the freedoms and values our fathers, grandfathers and great grandfathers sacrificed so much for. 100 years ago over 5000 diggers died in the Battle of Polygon Wood in Belgium defending the values and freedoms LGBTI Nazis want to now take from you. Steve Tourloukis from Canada lost the right to remove his children from radical LGBTI sex education after same sex marriage was legalised there. Watch Steve explain the frightening consequences of redefining marriage:


    Here is the court ruling:


    It's still not too late for us! Stand up for freedom of speech and for the rights of children. Vote NO!

  3. Yep, similar to my thoughts. Good video…. I laughed in a depressing way when I heard the greenies and pro gays were trying to get the postal vote thrown out in court. Thats why this isnt about Gays getting married. Its a fucking SJW Agenda push. Its one step in their ultimate social justice plan.

  4. The Aboriginal community will be voting mostly in the No.
    Aboriginal Elder from Northern Territory, Maratja Dhamarrandji, said, “In August 2015 over 70 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, including senior elders, travelled from various regions, including the Kimberleys, Western Australia, the Northern Territory and far north Queensland. They gathered at Parliament House to raise a united Indigenous voice on the proposal to introduce homosexual marriage here in Australia. That voice was presented to the Australian government on Thursday 13 August as a traditional petition named the Uluru Bark Petition and was written in Pitjantijatjara language and in English.” Richard Evans, Aboriginal Elder from Western Australia, said, “We are thankful for Margaret Court’s support for marriage between a man and a woman because the heart of the Uluru Bark Petition states that marriage between man and woman is, and has always been, sacred to the oldest living culture on earth. The Uluru Bark Petition adds that fathers and mothers – who are deeply honoured in Aboriginal culture – also form the “foundation of our families, clans and systems, and pass down our teachings, our culture, our traditions, from generation to generation. Senator Eric Abetz and the then newly appointed Aboriginal Senator, Joanna Lindgren, officially received the Uluru Bark Petition from Aboriginal Elders on behalf of the Australian Senate, and they presented the Petition to the Prime Minister.”

  5. You are a moron and don't understand statistics. Do some research on 'self selected sampling' vs 'random sampling' and then you can take that smug look off your face.

  6. What does Australia have in common with these countries: Afghanistan (Taliban), Iran, Khazakhstan, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria (IRIS), Uganda, Uzbekistan, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, and Zimbabwe? That's correct. None of them allow same sex marriage. How embarrassing.

  7. Ikr I'm like ashamed to live here. I can't believe there's so many anti quality campaigns ;( can't believe that were so against letting people being able to live their lives like everyone else can.

  8. Nearly 11 million people have voted on this out of the 16 million eligible. I think it’s gonna be fairly accurate at this point with what the people want.

  9. Yes, let's all be liberal thinkers! Call red blue, call soccer rugby, call a dog a cat, all because mentally ill people think it ok to alter reality to suit their perverse life choice. The fact is that marriage is only between a man & a woman. If we allow this change as a society next paedophiles will also claim "equality" as what they perversely feel is "love" & we should all accept it!! God loves all people. Please accept the forgiveness that is offered through Jesus and turn from this great wickedness. I also have sinned, I repented, please turn to him who is able to make you clean & save you all from the place that was never ment for you but only the great deceiver. Jesus loves you, real Christians love you. Please reach out.

  10. voting "NO" is the only way to go…don't ever listen to the LGBTQI/Leftist/Radical? Experimental lunatics who say "YES" is better,,,

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