24 Comments on “Bishop Gene Robinson: Straight Talk About Gay Marriage”

  1. Yes keep talking the talk Robinson. But when someone comes to you with proof your own church discriminated against them you just ignore them. You cannot even bother to answer your email.

  2. I lived a gay lifestyle but I did the right thing and gave up my evil ways and repented for living a godly life means you can't live a gay life anymore, its so sad that Gene Robinson thinks it ok to live like this. if he doesn't give up  his wicked ways he will burn in hell. 

  3. I lived a gay lifestyle but I did the right thing and gave up my evil ways and repented for living a godly life means you can't live a gay life anymore, its so sad that Gene Robinson thinks it ok to live like this. if he doesn't give up  his wicked ways he will burn in hell. 

  4. 54:04 is something culturally bound or is it eternally bound, and this in not for a individual to decipher alone, but for a community to decipher. Example don't eat shell fish (culturally bound) vs. love your neighbor as yourself or love God (eternally bound)

  5. What about. Leviticus. Look what I found. Inspired by God: For. Homosexuals. Woman was made for woman and man was made for man. To be a help meet. Thus is the word of God. Our doctrine and. Freedom of religion and all. Still devil devil devil though

  6. We all are born with weaknesses to imperfections that the Creator does not approve of. Wanting to kill, wanting to take advantage of people, weak towards substances, having sexual urges towards members of the same sex, having uncontrolled sexual passions. Anyone practicing these things will not inherit the benefits of God's coming Kingdom. The Creator knows that none of us are perfect nor does he expect perfection from any of us. What he does expect is for all of us to recognize our imperfections and to do our best to control our weaknesses, all the while if we do mess up and are determined not to do it again, the blood of Christ cleanses all sin. The problem with the world and Bishop Gene Robinson are they are saying "just be yourself". It is true many gay people were born that way, just as I was born with weaknesses to uncontrolled sexual desire and substance abuse, I know that I am this way because I inherited it from Adam, just as gays did. It would be unfair for The Creator to judge someone based on imperfections someone was born with, as I know many people born attracted to the same sex, but they are waiting to be healed, God is justified in judging people who are determined to consistently act on their imperfections, whatever they may be. People like Gene Robinson delude the truth and are in no way helping anyone in the world come to an accurate knowledge of the truth, which is Gods will.

  7. Gay marriage is an unholy union sending both to hell. Obama and his minions when they legalized spiritual death in this nation, gave Obama a lifetime membership in the antichrist club.

  8. What possible psychological impact did the female birth names he was given have on his later life? His hermeneutical analysis is fair, but the act is condemned.

  9. That is a terrible thing to happen to that young lady in England. What kind of parents would take their daughter to a police station to have the officers rape their own daughter? That is despicable.

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