31 Comments on “David Boies: Supreme Court Will Legalize Gay Marriage”

  1. Its really simple. Legal marriage is a contract. Any adult should be free to enter into any contract voluntarily. Restricting adults from entering into a voluntary contract from select individuals based on race or sex (any genetic standing which does not effect cognitive ability) is wrong and not equal.

  2. If you belong to a club (religion) and have to follow the club rules fine. But then don't leave the club house and go to strangers on the street who don't want to be members of your club and tell the non-club members that they have to follow your club rules too. It's that simple people!

  3. this makes me so happy.

    also, to any of the bigots saying that legalizing gay marriage is wrong "because of god":
    "it is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman" – corinthians 7:1

    and the bible also says eating pork (leviticus 11:7-8), t-shirts (leviticus 19:19), shaving (leviticus 19:27, corinthians 6:19-20), all you can eat buffets (proverbs 23:20-21), football (leviticus 23:3), comedians (ephesians 5:4), cheeseburgers (exodus 23:19), divorce (matthew 19:7-9) and so on are sins. if you cant follow all of your beliefs, dont say that one in particular is wrong "in the name of god" 

    my point is, it's wrong to hate gay marriage just because of the bible, or in general, because love is love and people should be able to love whoever they want. otherwise, its taking away your rights. I'm agnostic, but some people need to accept this. it's 2015.

    (also, disabling replies bc people are going to get butthurt over this lmao)

  4. Some of you have seen to forgotten that we live in the United States of America under a Constitution! Don't like "Gay Marriage"? Go move to Saudia Arabia where if you search enough you will find "be headings" still going on!

  5. Why are straight people who hate each other allowed to marry while gay people who love each other aren't allowed? Same for adoption, I'd rather my kid have 2 same-sex parents who are loving than 2 opposite-sex people who aren't fit to parent. Unless they want the state to pay out-of-pocket for the marriage (same-sex or opposite-sex) then the state should have no right to prevent the marriage. 

  6. Yay! Gay marriage is finally being legalized! I am so happy for the millions of Americans that have had to endure the long battle! Congratulations! You deserve it! I have very high respect for all of you!

  7. The US Supreme Court, A Universal Lesson in Constitutional Right
    Jacques Coulardeau & Ivan Eve

    This essay studies the Case of California's Proposition 8 from its adoption by the voters in November 2008 to the most recent US Supreme Court ruling on June 26, 2013. This essay is essentially centered on the legal and constitutional side of the case and the arguments dealing with Amendment 14 to the US Supreme Court, Article III of teh US Constitution, and the concepts of due process of law, equal protection of the laws, strict scrutiny, standing, all concepts that should be universal in all legal and judiciary systems in the world. The case then provides the world with a full demonstration of these judicial human rights that in fact should define the concept of Habeas Corpus.
    This case deals with same-sex marriage in California. The US Supreme Court refused to rule on the constitutionality of Proposition 8. They vacated and remanded the Federal Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit's ruling on the case because the people speaking for the State of California did not have the necessary standing. That ruling indirectly affirms the ruling of the Federal District Court that had declared Proposition 8 unconstitutional. Though it does not create a legal void in California, this ruling encourages the ProtectMarriage organization to start a new round of legal proceedings in the California Supreme Court.
    This long essay would not have been possible if the first and shorter version had not been encouraged by one of its first readers as follows:
    “I think your argumentation and logic is good. You shouldn’t be entering the rest of the discussion, maybe you can quote all the experts or send back to what was said in a footnote, but it is not your point. You are following the logic of the legal and constitutional system: Amendment 14, the Court of Appeals, the Supreme Court. What will happen, we can’t be sure, but you can project yourself in the future, and you are already doing it, by saying that the Supreme Court, despite taking a lot of time (which can also be to get the “temperature,” the mood of the country within the next few months), is very unlikely to commit itself with such an important issue. And your logic shows just that . . . 
    So, in short, your approach is the most valuable as the case starts in California (and its norms) and shifts to the federal level (multiple norms): they all thrive under the US Constitution and Amendment 14.”
    Paris, January 11, 2013

    Amazon Kindle
    Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
    Language: English
    ASIN: B00E24JTC0
    US$ 4.12 (VAT included) EUR 3,15 (TTC)

  8. Just a few reasons same-sex marriage should be legalized …
    1. Our happiness and fulfillment.
    2. The promise of the 14th amendment.
    3. A society with second-class citizens is toxic to all citizens.
    4. Being gay harms no one. Discrimination, persecution, and violence targeting gay folk hurts us and our loved ones and is therefore immoral.
    5. Updating marriage law in this way affects no male/female marriages in any way whatsoever.
    6. Your son could be gay. Your niece could be a lesbian. Or any of your great-great-great grandchildren whom you will never even know.
    7. The children of same-sex parents deserve the same legal rights and protections that the children of mixed-sex parents have.
    8. The growing wedding industry will help the economy, and the industry will become more fabulous than ever to meet the needs and expectations of their new clientele. 
    9. Over 1100 federal rights and protections convey to married couples, and it would be unlawfully burdensome to require that gay folk spend time and money recreating all that with custom-designed legal contracts.
    10. We pay taxes too and should not be denied benefits that we help provide to you.
    11. "Separate but equal" is a fundamentally immoral doctrine, and the Supreme Court started outlawing it in 1954.
    12. And because it can't be said enough: love.

  9. Why can't heterosexual Christians ever give a reason why gay marriage shouldn't be legal? I have yet to hear a SINGLE rational or legitimate reason why gay marriage should be banned. The reason why Christians can't think up a logical reason is because THERE IS NONE! A person's sexuality doesn't qualify as the kind of thing that could ever be 'right' or 'wrong'. It simply IS. DEAL WITH IT!

  10. What's overwhelming to me is the idiocy and motivation of the anti-gay movement who would actively go out and vote and get together and plot to vilify, penalize, mistreat, prejudge, demonize and all just to LIMIT a person's FREEDOM to marry! Anyone who would willingly do such a thing doesn't DESERVE to live in a free country. The gay marriage issue teaches biblical 'moralists' to curb their dogma and understand that what the bible says about ANYTHING doesn't give them the right to DISCRIMINATE against gay folks because we don't live in a country that makes moral judgements based upon ONE religion's outrageous and archaic beliefs. Luckily, as a society the Constitution protects all Americans from the misguided beliefs that so-called 'Christians' in the anti-gay movement exhibit on a perpetual basis. 
    I don't have a problem with people believing whatever they want, but if your beliefs are visited upon others in a discriminatory fashion, these assholes need to be ready to pay the price and face stiff penalties (no pun intended).

  11. This is awesome I believe that gay rights are the same as human rights. I'm not gay but I support them just the same as if I were fighting for myself.

  12. God is the final judge. Not the Supreme Court. God says clearly in His Word gay marriage is a sin. Whether you believe it or not does not change the truth. It doesn't matter what you or anyone else thinks

  13. Oh my he def. knows his sh*t. After what happened the other day it DEF is looking 'barely' like 5/4 for SSM lol and everything he said about Roberts was totally on point. This is reeking from Kennedy being the deciding vote. By the skin of his teeth looks like he'll vote for SSM. Again, this guy has skills 'cause more than a few other reputable lawyers were leaning more towards 6/3. Um..very, very doubtful! LOL.

  14. No such thing as gay marriage, marriage is a covenant MADE by God-He is not going to change His mind, call it marriage, or whatever you want to call it.

  15. What in Gods name is unconstitutional about the state not recognizing same sex relationships as marriages? For the government marriage isn't about love. The government doesn't give a damn about your love life. The reason marriages are recognized and married couples are given exclusive privileges is to cement the relationship as lasting in order to provide a stable environment for children to be raised in and to ease the financial burden of raising children. Same sex relationships, by nature, cannot produce new life. It's not bigotry to acknowledge that fact.

    If we are to strike down the notion of marriage being conjugal and claim it is merely romantic, then recognizing marriages in the first place is unconstitutional. The state then is arbitrarily granting certain privileges to people which it denies to others simply because they happen to be in a romantic relationship.

    This is without a doubt, judicial activism.

  16. Before old Dave lauds the merits of the 14th ammendment, perhaps he should familairize himself with the 1st.  No law shall be passed prohibiting the free exercize of relegion, and freedom of speech.  Will speaking from the pulpit now bring hate crime charges?  Will refusing gay marriage in a church end in prison and consfication of church assets?  Equal rights works 2 ways.  What about the rights of parents to choose the path of education for their children?  If you want to teach your children that sodomy is fine, I can't stop you.  But you DO NOT have the right to teach mine such things!!!!!!

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