42 Comments on “Joyner: Gay Rights Movement May Ban Marriage”

  1. Seriously? Now these hate-mongers are just pulling stuff out of their ass. No one ANYWHERE is afraid to call their spouse "husband" or "wife" …and nowhere is anyone trying to prevent opposite-sex couples from getting married. I love how these religious assholes continue to play the "martyr" card as if they were the ones being discriminated against. It would be funny if it weren't for the fact that their followers actually believe this bullshit.

  2. RWW can have a field day with Joyner's "church" and all the wacky speaking in tounges and dancing around in trances acting like idiots in videos that are all over youtube. This is a dangerous man.

  3. The reason people don't believe that "you can go to jail for saying husband or wife" is because…it's not true. Is this real? Are they actually serious? wow…

  4. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor… 9th Commandment. You're lying and you know you're lying. Any idiot can see that. You need to repent for that or you're going to the same hell you're so afraid of.

  5. Fear mongering… the last bastion of desperate and bigoted extremists. Sad part is it works on the people that want to hear how evil "the gays" are.

  6. I would joke that these people are obsessed with homosexuality, but considering I'm addicted to watching nutjobs like these I feel I don't have much room to talk…

  7. Correction to my previous statement "Israel allows Gay marriage".

    It should read: Israel recognizes Gay marriage from other countries. That should be bad enough for these psychos.

  8. Joyner knows shit. Around here (DK) a lesbian married to another woman calls her "my wife" and a gay man married to another man calls him "my housebound" And so do the priest in church just after he preformed the marriage.

  9. the 11th commandment: "Thou shalt ignore the 9th commandment when thou art promoting thine religion. Lie thine ass off for Jesus if thou hast to"

  10. Awww, look, a Christian that thinks she can change the meanings of words when they don't suit her agenda.

    So sorry you don't understand that using your religion to treat others like shit is intolerance, but that's how it is, muffin. You don't get to justify your intolerance with religious bullshit.

    BTW, I don't know what "gay paranoia and propaganda" you're talking about. It's the Christians who are paranoid, hateful and spreading lies.

  11. Come on you guys . Stop the gossip and scare mongering . There is nowhere in the world i repeat nowhere , where u cant or are not even allowed to say wife or husband and forced to say " partner " . That , marriage between a man and woman are banned in some states is not true . Stop it . They ban a heterosexual marriage to promote a homosexual one instead is pure hysterics at its best. We gays , are not that powerful to implement such strange repressive notions believe it or not.

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