37 Comments on “RWW News: Cahn: Gay Rights Ushering In God's Wrath”

  1. Man, the guy is a bullshit machine! He can not stop. Is bullshit and more bullshit and then a massive load of more bullshit! Jonathan "the bullshit machine" Cahn is his wrestling name.

  2. I received a dream from God last night.

    We were marathoning Steven Universe together, eating some chips while lounging on the couch, when all of a sudden Cahn appeared on the screen talking about how God hates Gays. I tried to change the channel but all we could find was Cahn. Even God tried it with his omnipotence, but even he couldn't get Cahn to stop.

    I asked God, "I know how much I hate him, but what about you? Do you think he's as big a liar as I think he is?"

    God replied, "CAHN!!! CAHN!!! CAHN!!!" He even did it in Shatner's Kirk voice for added effect.

    "I'll take that as a yes" was my response.

  3. All rockerfeller did was remove current state restrictions on certain types of abortion. He did not legalize the practice in New York. There is a big difference between saying someone took restrictions off a pre-existing law and someone passed a non-existent law legalizing a previously illegal practice. Cahn is lying at worse or is just plain stupid at best.

  4. gossiping is also an abbomination get it a bomb in nation flesh cannot please the LORD we are all GOD,s children all are saved amen may the grace of the LORD JESUS CHRIST bE WHITH U ALL…

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