8 Comments on “Dr. Tony Campolo on Christianity and Gay Marriage”

  1. @ThePhantom135 no it doesn't. I don't hate gays but I am against the lifestyle. That has nothing to do with hate at all. I can talk to gay people no problem but I don't agree with the lifestyle and I believe it's wrong.

  2. Many say Christ "defined" marriage as being exclusively between a man and a woman in Matt. 19:5. This is eventhough He was answering a question regarding HETEROSEXUAL divorce. Same gender marriage never came into the discussion. This does not keep gay many Christian opponents from exploiting the passage to definitivelystate that Christ condemned same gender relations. As a result, it is they who may have the biggest problems with Him regarding the Ninth Commandment which He upheld in Matt. 19:18.

  3. As if to defend their misuse of Matthew 19:4-6 some gay Christian opponents highlight Christ's citing of Genesis 2:24. They evidently overlook the fact that the marriage of "a man" and "a woman" is not necessarily inclusive of either ALL men or ALL women and therefore is not necessarily excluding of same gender marriage. And so it would seem that gay Christian opponents committing this act quite arguably abuse not one but two passages of scripture in our Lord's name,
    In fairness, it's one thing to state scriptural interpretation AS interpretation. Rubber stamping our Lord's name on to that interpretation as though it were NOTHING short of His will is clearly another. It's why those condemning the alleged "sins" of others in our Lord's name may be committing sins of their own.
    These are the ones who may well need our prayers the most.

  4. Romans 1:18-32 may be the most cited passage of the New Testament by gay Christian opponents. Here Paul is referring to a specific group of people who left our Lord in favor of pagan practices as Romans 1:23 and 25 strongly suggest. But if the acts recorded had been heterosexual, would they be any less "shameful?" Would the passage be misused in an effort to condemn all heterosexual relations, EVEN husbands and wives? It is probably this tragic double standard many hold of the different orientations that has led to the tragic misuse of this passage.

  5. Some say that same gender oriented people are "created" through a lifetime of abuse.
    Does this mean that heterosexuals who were abused by people of the same gender are PRETENDING to be attracted to, let alone love others of the opposite gender?
    Others say the same gender oriented made a "choice." And certainly I'm sure nearly everyone remembers the day they "decided" do adopt a set of feelings that would make them nothing more than perverts in secular circles or any less than abominations in the eyes of the churches in their communities.

  6. Whatever you chose to believe; whatever position affirm. Let every man be a liar and let God alone be true. A day will come when you will stand before Him because He will judge all flesh. So no matter what you believe or affirm in that day it will either acquit or condemn you.

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