20 Comments on “Gay Marriage and My Religious Family | {THE AND} Andrew & Jerrold”

  1. This is a really good episode. The naughty side of me is wondering who's top or bottom though 😛

  2. Someone from online dropped me bec they wanted a date but I was unable to, I had just had surgery at the time, so the individual stopped talking to me. This delightful man stayed in his corner and fell in love with him…..some ppl can truly learn a lot from these two and their example of how life is not always about oneself.

  3. I can't believe I'm just discovering this channel and this beautiful couple. So genuine and authentic is the love between these two. I was very moved by just the glimpse we saw inside Andrew and Jerrold's love story. As a psychotherapist who has worked with couples, many of whom face struggles trying to manage their partner's mental health issues, seeing the openness and talking about those dark moments was refreshing. I will say to Andrew though that you are a good person. Struggling with mental health issues doesn't make you not a good person, and while I'm pretty sure that's not what he meant, I still feel it's important to address that comment. It reminds me of a quote I heard that said, "You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly". We all have flaws but at the end of the day its about acceptance and having the determination to work through tough times. I'm glad that the two of them found each other and have a love that is to be admired by all.

  4. When Jerrold told Andrew he was afraid of telling him things that might disappoint him because he already lost so many people in his life…wow i related to that on spiritual levels, like sometimes i refrain myself of telling people so many things because i'm terrified of them leaving me, because that has happened so many times already, it's reached a point i'm terrified of losing more people, because i actually feel like nobody truly gets me and if they reach a point where they know me well, they will leave me, because almost no one proved me otherwise and the people that proved me otherwise so far, i'm deadly afraid of losing…rejection is horrible and i've been having an issue with it all my life in all aspects of my life and i wish no one experienced it

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