43 Comments on “Tony Abbott talks about gay marriage on Q&A”

  1. Wow, this is what is still wrong with the Australian political environment, such a lack of respect for someone occupying even the highest political office. Many of these comments demonstrate that. How about calling that out as "hate speech"? Double standards people! Dignity and respect CANNOT be bestowed upon a person by a government – that comes from within each human being, placed there by design – but which is sometimes unfortunately trashed by an ignorant and cruel society.

  2. Spot on Tony, you are being too good to the homosexualists, they don't realise that homosexuality will cause a civil war with the natural people… "love" has become a substitute word for "perversion" or "sickness", also the fuckwit father says in this video "they are decent people, let them live their lives",,, no one is fucking stopping them from living their perverted lifestyles, but when they want to call it marriage, that's pushing it , to say the least,, give them an inch and they will take a mike, the cunts, to destroy humankind as we know it…

  3. Marriage is not a right, its a priveledge! And the raising of children is a sacred responsibility. They don't get a say if we allow same sex individuals to marry and raise kids. Having a mother and father is an inalienable right to all humankind.

  4. Education officials have claimed the mother who features in a controversial ad against marriage equality had in fact complained about her son being told he could wear a dress to school.

  5. I don't always agree with Tony Abbott but I'm with him on this one. Nobody is denying anyone of being in a loving relationship and in a defacto relationship same sex partners are treated exactly the same .

  6. Just noticed this vid now that the subject has been elevated again and it is to Mr Abbott's credit that he is one of the very few in the political top shelf that has not changed his views to get what is perceived as he popular vote. I say well done. That is integrity.

  7. To be blunt, anyone that votes No either doesn't really understand the issue, or is pig headed and don't want others to have what every hetro couple is entitled to. If you're not gay or in a same sex relationship voting Yes won't change anything for you! Voting Yes just gives everyone equal rights under the law. It has nothing to do with pedophilia, multiple marriages or under aged marriages either. It's only limited to same sex marriages.

  8. Abbot publicly told grieving Gillard "her father died of shame" hows that for decency and respect he invented "prolling"
    which is public trolling.

  9. Marriage is between man and woman! Man and man woman and woman don’t make babies for the generation to come,what will happen if we all turn out to be Kay??? no people and no future at all! bad influence for our children and for the generation to come!

  10. Awesome, yes gay people can have gay relationships if they want, they can do that with dignity and respect in their own preference.

    But marriage is Catholic one man and one woman.

  11. sorry to disappoint you, Abbott. Australia screamed a RESOUNDING YES!!!…. as long as the law recognizes it as marriage everyone else is irrelevant… kiss kiss… so grow up and move on bitch. You may come to my Gold Coast beach wedding next year..

  12. Sodomy is not love.  Some might argue that sexual contact with a 7 year old is love.The love excuse is a dead excuse.  The anus is a exit point, not a entry point—-biology 101!

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